Nadia Cakes is an award-winning bakery that recently became internet famous for… a vagina cake?
If you think a vagina cake sounds unusual, you're not alone. But don't worry, Nadia Cakes wasn't intending to make a cake that looked like a woman's private parts.
The renowned bakery actually made a geode cake. Because of the pink colors they used, however, it ended up looking like, well, you know.
The four-inch round vanilla cake is covered in a light pink buttercream frosting, and it has rock candy in a carved-out section.
Some people think it's obvious that this is a geode cake, but others are absolutely convinced that the cake resembles a vagina.
Once Nadia Cakes learned that customers thought their treat looked like a woman's downstairs area, they ran with it. They started posting comments on the picture of the cake, joking about the design of the sweet confection.
Photo: Facebook / Nadia Cakes
[H/T: ScaryMommy]

Nadia Cakes is an award-winning bakery with locations in three different areas: Maple Grove and Woodbury in Minnesota, and Palmdale in California.
They're famous for their cakes and cupcakes, but they also make a number of other sweet treats, like brownies, ice cream, pastries, and even safe, edible cookie dough.

On January 27, 2018, Nadia Cakes posted a picture of the now-infamous "geode rock cake."
In just over a week, the post racked up over 13,000 reactions and over 26,000 shares.

People everywhere couldn't get over the fact that the geode cake actually looked like a vagina.
And from a certain angle, I think it does. It's the right shape, the right color, and it's somewhat cavernous.

Nadia Cakes quickly realized what their cake actually looked like, and instead of being embarrassed, they ran with the humor of it.
On the Monday after the post, the managers met to talk about the cake.

After sharing this tidbit, they also wrote:
Guys, have you seen the mad skills of our cake design team? If we made a vagina cake, you wouldn’t be saying “OMG, that cake is a vagina.” You’d be saying “That vagina is a CAKE?!”

One person wrote, "I'm an OB at Partners OBGYN, and I approve this message. Good colors. Nice layering. Accurate."
Nadia Cakes thought their customers' responses were absolutely hilarious, and there's no doubt this funny cake boosted their sales.

You might think that was it from the cake saga, but the geode (vagina) cake is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
The cake never sold, so it started to melt.

Nadia Cakes knows it still tastes absolutely delicious.
But honestly, would you eat it?

Whether you think this cake is hysterical or disturbing, we can all definitely agree that it's one of a kind.

If you know someone who would laugh about this cake (and the comments), please SHARE this article with them!