Have you ever looked at something inanimate and thought it was showing an almost humanlike personality?
Don't worry, you're not the only one — it's actually a universal condition known as pareidolia, where our mind perceives patterns, like those that make a face, in which there are none actually present. It's also what makes so many of the hilarious photos and GIFs below extra comical.
Whether it's an innocuous object, a photo of someone, or a detailed sculpture, each of the items were given a whole new look when folks stuck a pair of googly eyes on them!
It's so simple and silly, yet I can't help but giggle at each and every example of googly eyes as I think about their wiggly nature. Trust me, you'll be surprised by just how expressive the most mundane things become with the addition of googly eyes.
Take a look and let us know in the comments if you've ever seen an even sillier use of googly eyes.
And be sure to SHARE the fun of these googly eyes with your friends!

"You monster, that was our brother!"

This lends an extra special level of cuteness to the photographer's work.

Perhaps they're just taken aback by what a great deal the pet store is offering on their favorite treats.

This is exactly how I feel when I'm about to pop open some wine.

This gym rat definitely doesn't skip arm day.

How is it even possible that they make him look more intimidating?

I would think twice before ordering one of these guys.

This would give the "Heeeere's Johnny!" scene a whole new level of weirdness.

Hm, is it really a feline or a fluffy stuffed-animal elephant?

OK, this one might be a bit more terrifying than hilarious.

Their little "mouths" are so perfectly aghast!

Something tells me his roar is more of a meow.

With sparkling teeth like that, I'd be smiling, too!
Don't forget to SHARE these hilarious googly eye images with friends and family!