Much like easing into adulthood isn’t always the smoothest of transitions, baby birds generally get a pretty rude awakening upon learning to spread their wings.
Once they’re big enough, many are sort of scooted out of their nest by their mother and have to, for lack of a better term, wing it. Sometimes they manage to get the hang of it straight away, and other times they do a sort of crash landing to the ground below and must try again. One way or another, however, those birds have got to learn — and a tough love mentality is sometimes the most effective way to ensure survival.
We showed you a video of these precious little struggles in a video we posted a while back of a young boy showing a hummingbird how to fly.
That would most certainly appear to be the case in the following video making the rounds on Facebook. Staff at the University of Calgary Outdoor Center rigged a nifty way to help two tiny goslings make their flight debut from a high rooftop by creating a bounce pad at the base where they jump. I gasped when these little ones make the leap, but was relieved to see they managed to do okay for their first attempt!
The kind folks at the University of Calgary Outdoor Center are doing great work. SHARE it with your friends!
We set up crash pads so that the goslings on our roof would have a safe landing. Want to see the cutest thing ever?
Posted by Calgary Outdoor Centre-University of Calgary on Monday, May 11, 2015