Aryn, aka Vampryn, describes herself as an extreme alternative girl who has never gone without her alternative '80s- and '90s-inspired goth look and lifestyle.
Aryn loves horror, fake blood, colored contact lenses, and finding her confidence in being different. It can take her nearly three hours to get ready for the day, but to her, it's worth the time if it means standing out by not fitting in.
Aryn decided to take a big chance and totally leave her comfort zone for Truly's Transformation series.
"I'm going from my beautiful, dark, spooky self to nothing like how I am at all, any way shape or form."
In the clip below, makeup artist Mélanie Viger gives Aryn the "ultimate Instagram model makeover," complete with tanner, contour makeup, fake eyelashes, and sequin clothing. She truly goes from goth to glam.
"If I like it, I'm gonna have an existential crisis," she admitted.
She also assumed her boyfriend, Connor, would absolutely hate her new look.
Watch the video below to see his stunned reaction.