Relationships and marriages are all about communication and compromise. You have to give and take. One wife may have recently hit her limit and took to Reddit to make sure she wasn’t acting irrationally.
This woman’s husband had started waking her up in the middle of the night for food and back rubs. He justified this childish behavior by throwing the fact that he drives her to work every day in his wife’s face. The wife just wants her sleep and for her husband to learn to self-soothe. Reddit users had a field day with this one.
This husband is giving major Peter Pan vibes.
The wife begins her story of a husband who needs to grow up. “Lately, my husband has been waking me up between 1 am. and 3 am. because he is hungry or wants a rub. (Back or arm),” she writes. “I hate being woken up when I am sleeping. Last time, he woke me up by poking me until I woke up. It's not hard, just insistent. I hate being woken up when I am deep asleep. I told him he needs to not make a habit of it because if he wants a snack in the middle of the night he can get it himself and if he wanted a rub he should have asked before we went to bed.”
No one likes being woken up in the middle of the night.
“He thinks I am the [expletive] because l don't drive, and he has to wake up to bring me to work every day Monday through Friday at around 7:15 am,” she continues. “I tried to say waking up after 8 full hours is different than being woke up in the middle of the night. I can usually fall back asleep fast after, but sometimes, like tonight, I have trouble. He said it's because his back hurts etc. He wants a rub to fall back asleep but didn't tell me that until tonight. I also sometimes wake him up snoring.”
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Who needs a midnight snack?
The wife goes on to ask if she is wrong for “not wanting to wake up in the middle of the night to make him a snack or give him a rub when he has to wake up to take me to work in the morning?” She feels bad because she “didn't know it was because his back hurt and to help him fall back asleep. But at the same time he is a grown man and can get his own midnight snack.” She goes on to say she is open to questions and reveals she is writing this at 4 a.m., so he must have done it again.
Reddit users did not hold back.
Reddit users went to town on this husband.
“If my husband did this I'd be rolling over, giving him divorce papers and then rolling back and going back to sleep,” wrote one user.
“I'd just put a basket of fruit snacks and a bottle of ibuprofen on his bedside table and sleep in another room,” chimed in another.
The husband is allegedly a grown man.
“Any grown man that literally bothers you in the middle of the night for food or a rub down needs to figure it out. He's not a baby,” agreed another.
One user thinks the husband is trying to send his wife a message. “Weaponized incompetence right here. It sounds like either a control issue or a payback issue. You need to sit him down and find out exactly what is going on here,” they advised. “Maybe he's sick of driving you to work but is afraid to tell you so he's getting back at you in these weird ways?”
The wife gives up an update.
The wife gave an update after the first round of commenting: “Thanks, everyone. I am going to keep telling him no. This just started about a week ago, and I didn't do it every time. last night, he wanted me to microwave his leftovers at 3 a, and I did it just so he would stop saying he was hungry. I'm going to stick to telling him no and not do it.”
Reddit users advise her to learn to drive if she is able.
Many users were concerned about her inability to drive.
“If you are physically/mentally able to, get your license and remove this from the list of what he justifies as having one over on you,” advised one user.
The wife also clarified that. “I get panic attacks when I drive. I am thinking of getting lessons at a driving school, but it's hard when they are so expensive, and I am not sure how they would deal with the panic attacks,” she explained.
Perhaps her husband is actually a cat?
Some Reddit users pointed out the similarities between this husband and a feline. One user joked, “It sounds as if you’re married to a cat? Sorry. My cats wake me up in the middle of the night for food or petting (I refuse, obviously). This is not a normal behavior for an adult human being. You need your sleep and he can take care of himself.”
Turns out, he is not a cat.
Enough users made this cat comparison that the wife felt the need to respond. “He is not a cat,” she said. She added her conclusion: “Thanks everyone. I was standing my ground about not doing it and I wanted to make sure I was right. It's good to know so many agree with me. Chances are he will try again and when I say no he will stop. Or will stop now that we had the argument about it. I don't plan on giving in to him being childish about this. I have to get back to work but I appreciate everyone commenting.”
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.