When I was in high school, spray tans were all the rage. This was during the heyday of MTV's Jersey Shore, so looking ridiculously orange wasn't a problem for most people.
Despite the fact that I have very pale skin, getting a spray tan never really interested me. My skin is so fair that I just assumed no matter how light the spray tan was, I would look like a crazy person. My fears were only exacerbated when a pale friend of mine got a spray tan and went a little overboard. She looked alarming, to say the least. I promised I'd never let myself look like that.
You might be rolling your eyes at this point and thinking, How bad could a spray tan really make you look? Let me explain just how pale I really am. When I was a baby, my mom thought I looked like a porcelain doll because my skin was so fair. At multiple times in my life, strangers have approached me to tell me I need to wear more sunscreen (thanks, I know). Last year, even my doctor told me I looked pale.
I've lived with my fair skin all my life, and I truly don't have an issue with it. There were a few times in my adolescence when I really wished I could get a natural tan, but that's just not in the cards for me. This might surprise some people, but I actually really like being pale. Sure, it means I have to be more careful in the sun, but it also means my freckles are more defined, and my red hair is more striking.
Fast-forward to last week, when I did, in fact, get a spray tan. Now, you might be wondering why on earth I decided to get an airbrush tan if I was so against it. The answer is simple: I love trying new things.
I won't lie: When I decided to go forward with this whole "I tried a getting a spray tan" idea, I knew it could end very poorly. There was a good chance I'd look orange for a week, but I'm of the mindset that you can survive anything for seven days.

The day before my spray tan, I took my "before" picture in front of a plain white wall in the office. I legitimately had no idea what I'd look like the next morning, so I wanted to make sure I had a comparison photo.

The salon I was planning to go to, Sugared + Bronzed, has a comprehensive FAQ online, so I made sure to read the pre-tan advice.
Obviously, my biggest concern was looking orange, but the website put my mind at ease: Instead of using beta-carotene (carrot extract), its airbrush tan solution is made from sugar beets. "This guarantees that your tan will be golden brown," explains the website.
Pre-Tan Prep

The day before getting your tan, you're supposed to shower, shave, and exfoliate. All of this pre-tan preparation will apparently make your tan last longer. Plus, exfoliating can make your tan look more even.
I opted to use an exfoliating glove to scrub down my entire body. I actually did this twice before my tanning appointment to make sure I was thorough enough.
Tan Day

On the day of the tan, it was a little rainy, so I made sure to bring a big umbrella, long pants, and a loose shirt.
Sugared + Bronzed has two airbrush tan solutions: the Standard and the Express. With the Standard, you let the solution stay on for at least 10 hours before showering; with the Express, you only have to wait one to four hours. I opted for the Express solution because I didn't want any of the tan to rub off on my sheets (it's totally washable, but I had just done my laundry).
At the Spa

When I entered the salon, I immediately felt calm. I checked in at the front desk and met my airbrush tanning artist, Lauren. She explained the differences in the Standard and Express solutions and walked me through what the process would be like. Next, Lauren showed me to my room.

Inside the airbrush tan room, there was a changing area and a spraying area, which looked basically like a shower. The tiled booth had a towel for me to stand on, and across the room was an air hose.

Lauren left me in the room, shut the door, and told me to undress. She said I could get completely nude if I wanted, but I decided to keep my thong on. I then applied a blocking lotion to my hands, elbows, and ankles.

I had to stand in a lot of weird positions to get the tan all over, but Lauren totally put me at ease. We chatted the entire time, and after about 15 minutes of spraying me with the solution, Lauren let me know I was all set. She handed me the air hose to dry myself off a bit, and then I got dressed.

When I left the salon, I headed to the subway for my hour-long commute home. Unfortunately, I was stuck waiting for the train for a while, and I was terrified I was going to sweat off my tan and end up with streaks all over my body.

Luckily, I made it home (mostly) sweat-free. Lauren and I had decided that an hour and 45 minutes would leave me with the right-color tan, so when that time was up, I stripped off my clothes and hopped in the shower. But first, I snapped this picture. My tan was supposed to be lighter than this, and I was a little concerned I'd left it on too long.

Without using soap or any other products, I was supposed to just rinse off the solution until the water ran clear.

It was pretty weird to wash all the tanning solution off, especially because Lauren had warned me it might look like my entire tan was gone.

Although a lot of the tan did wash off, I definitely still had a noticeable tan line. Overnight, the tan was supposed to darken to its final color.
The Next Day

When I woke up in the morning, my tan was obvious. I was surprised to find that I actually didn't hate it, even though it was extremely noticeable.

Because I'm so used to my pale skin, I thought I looked extremely orange, but my friends told me it actually looked pretty natural.

Every time I looked in the mirror for the first few days, I hardly recognized myself. I felt like I was so tan, but I was barely as dark as my coworkers.

The tan was supposed to last seven to 10 days, and that's about how long it lasted. It started to fade after the first few days, but it wasn't too patchy or uneven.
Six days into my tan, I got rained on for four hours at a Taylor Swift concert, so that definitely didn't help my tan's longevity, but I was still impressed with the way it looked afterward.
Final Thoughts

Would I get another spray tan? Sure, but probably not regularly. I know some people want to look tan all the time, but I don't mind being pale. If I had a particular occasion that I wanted to be tan for, I would definitely choose a spray tan over attempting to get tan naturally.
Would I recommend it to a friend? Absolutely! If you want a safe, beautiful tan, a spray tan can be a great option. Just make sure you find a good salon, and go for a light shade if you're uncertain about the way you'll look.
Have you ever gotten a spray tan? Don't forget to share this article with your pale friends!