It was only a few months ago that the illustrious Judge Judy graced the Ellen show with her presence. Can you tell that I’m a big fan of hers? I grew up watching her aptly named Judge Judy show, and I always came away with a unique nugget of knowledge that I’ve since carried into adulthood.
As it turns out, this honorable lady still has plenty of advice to bestow upon us!
First, she explains why she hasn’t lost faith in humanity — something that I imagine might be quite easy to do, given how stressful and disheartening her job in the law system can often be. But after that is when the judge gets really serious, particularly with the women in the audience.
"[Women] are so desperate to nest that they pick on schlubs and worthless pieces of trash that they pick up in a bar." And here Ellen laughs, as do the people watching, but Judge Judy plows ahead. "[They] turn around, give them the keys to their car, invite them to move in, give them a credit card, and they're surprised one day when […] they're alone."
Can’t get enough of her witty, lightning-quick responses? (Me, too.) Watch that time she burst out laughing right in the courtroom, as well as this epic shutdown that remains one of the pinnacle moments in her TV history. Classic.
But if you think she was done laying down the law (ha ha), you’d be wrong. Judge Judy has plenty more to say where that came from!
I’d highly recommend that everyone show this video to the women — and men, too! — in their lives who could potentially fall into these traps.
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