Judy Garland's impressive career spanned more than 40 years. While she's best known for her role as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, many of her most memorable onscreen roles occurred much later in her career. The Judy Garland Show brought many talented artists on stage with her, including Barbra Streisand. Together, they sang a duet, and it's still one of the most beautiful versions of the mashup out there! We also loved this performance with Gene Kelly. She undoubtedly had a lot of talent, and it's no wonder audiences everywhere love her to this day.
In 1944, she sang and danced her way into the hearts of fans with her performance in the film Meet Me In St. Louis. The period musical was a huge success when it first came out, and many people today still love it! It remains a movie any lover of classic film must see.
In this scene, Judy Garland boards a trolley, and passengers sing and dance around her. She looks a little lost at first, but then she opens her mouth to sing "The Trolley Song."
Watch until the end when she meets a special passenger on the trolley!
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