Kardashian-Jenners Share Their Most Embarrassing Moments (And They’re Great)

Oh, those Kardashians. Whether they're the celebrities you love to hate or hate to love, they're definitely a ubiquitous presence in the pop culture psyche. That is seemingly going away no time soon.

But if nothing else, we've their carefully curated lives to thank for some of the internet's most viral, most divisive, and most amusing headlines in entertainment. And a secret about the proliferation of Kardashian news you're reading? The reason why there's so much of it is because — and here's the catcher — people do read it, whether it's for pleasure or a good ol' fashioned hater rant.

That's precisely what landed them on the cover of Cosmopolitan magazine in a headline that read "America's First Family" — a label that outraged the internet but all the same seems apt in a pop culture context. To piggyback on its cover story, Cosmo also filmed an outrageous, blooper-esque tell all with the women the Kris Jenner clan. It delivers.

Asking the women to share their most embarrassing moments, we're informed of their most cringe-worthy moments between the uncontrollable laughs of a person who is either really entertained or deeply uncomfortable. I'll let you see for yourself, because it's great.

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