When it comes to aches and pains, there are few ailments more irritating and distracting than a really bad headache.
Headaches, as we all know, are one of the most common health complaints around. Everyone gets them, sometimes more than once a day, which can majorly affect your lifestyle. Worst of all, they can be maddeningly hard to resolve.
After all, “headache” simply refers to any continuous pain in the head, which can be caused by almost anything, from dehydration to grinding your teeth at night. With such a diverse array of causes, it can be hard to pin down the root of any specific headache.
Often, you can just take an over-the-counter painkiller and feel the pain melt away, but this simple solution isn’t one-size-fits-all.
If you have chronic headaches, or experience severe pains or migraines, tracking down where your symptoms tend to strike might be the key to conquering them for good!
So next time you get a headache, pay close attention to where you feel the pain and what kind of pain it is. It could make all the difference.
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Brow And Forehead
If you tend to get headaches that you feel in your forehead, along your hairline, and behind the brows, you're probably experiencing a tension headache, arguably the most common kind of headache around.
These headaches tend to be associate with stress and anxiety, because you subconsciously hold you muscles tight for long stretches of time. The strain on your facial muscles eventually radiates up and creates a headache.
Simply stressing less isn't usually an option, but try taking a break from caffeine, giving yourself a facial massage, or taking a snack break to recharge.
If you have headaches that you tend to feel radiating up from your chin and jaw, you may be experiencing a dental headache.
Though plenty of tension headaches are related to clenching your jaw, this is slightly different. Instead, it's more like a toothache so severe that you can feel it throughout your head.
If you're experiencing this kind of pain, which may originate in one of your molars, go to a dentist for a checkup and make sure you don't have any looming cavities or other issues with your pearly whites.
Neck And Throat
Your neck and throat can cause headaches surprisingly often.
A sore throat may radiate up, causing pain in the back of your head, while tightness in the muscles of the neck and shoulders can create a tension headache wrapping around the forehead.
Generally, a shoulder massage can help with muscle tightness, and fluids and rest should take care of a sore throat.
The exception is noticeable stiffness of the neck and shoulders — where you struggle to turn your head — combined with headache. That can be a sign of meningitis, so call your doctor straight away if your neck is abnormally stiff.
Under Eyes
A headache that you feel right under your eyes and around your nose is a classic symptom of sinus infection.
Try gently tapping under your eyes and right above your eyebrows, where the sinus cavities are. If they feel tender and you've felt stuffy lately, you probably have a case of sinusitis from a cold or allergies.
Rest, fluids, and vitamin C usually help these symptoms clear up on their own, but if you haven't improved in a day or two, it's always a good idea to check in with your doctor.
Behind One Eye
If you start to feel growing pain behind one eye, you may be experiencing the onset of a cluster headache.
These headaches are severe, painful, and chronic, usually affecting one side of the head, and focusing behind one eye.
The pain may ebb and flow dramatically over the course of a period of time, which can range from 15 minutes to an hour for mild cases, or last for several hours in more severe cases.
This kind of headache is generally severe and temporarily debilitating, so you should schedule a doctor's appointment to find a solution for your symptoms.
One Half Of Head
Oftentimes, when a migraine comes on, it starts as an uncomfortable headache that feels like it's permeating one half of your head.
As any migraine-sufferer knows, these early warning signs can be saving grace.
Experiencing spreading headaches on one side, seeing flashes of light or auras, or feeling confused or irritable can all be forewarning of a migraine to come.
If you experience this kind of headache and have suffered migraines in the past, it's a good idea to consider finding someplace dark and quiet to ride out the pain.
If you haven't already consulted your doctor, he or she may be able to offer other solutions to help ease the discomfort.
One Temple
Most headaches are diffused, and throb over a fairly wide area.
That's not the case with icepick headaches, which, like cluster headaches, tend to strike hard and fast at one particular spot.
They're called "icepick" headaches, because many people who experience them describe the sensation as similar to being stabbed in the temple or the side of the head with an icepick.
These headaches are extremely painful, but tend to be brief, and don't usually repeat over and over like cluster headaches.
Consult your doctor if you suspect icepick headaches, because they can be signs of migraine disorder to come.
Whole Head
Most headaches, while painful, are not considered medical emergencies.
This headache is the exception to that rule.
If you experience head pain that you would describe as, "the worst headache of your life," call 911.
What we're talking about here is a profound, excruciating pain that takes over the whole head. It will most likely come with vision loss, nausea, and will feel like a migraine, but worse.
If it is truly the worst headache of your life, it may be your only symptom of a medical emergency like stroke or aneurysm, according to Dr. Charles Davis of eMedicineHealth.
In this event, you should call emergency services first, and your primary care doctor second.
If you or someone you know experiences discomfort from headaches, make sure to SHARE this guide to help friends and family better understand their headache symptoms!