Lindsay Clancy's husband has admitted that the former nurse was having "one of her best days" before she took the lives of their three children.
He has also said that Clancy was on a number of medications to treat postpartum depression as well as other concerns. Clancy is currently hospitalized and has only had contact with her lawyers and her health care team.
Clancy has been charged with two counts of murder, three counts of strangulation, and three counts of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. She has pleaded not guilty to all charges.
Plymouth County Assistant District Attorney Jennifer Sprague has come out hard against Clancy for the crimes. Sprague said, "She planned these murders, gave herself the time and privacy needed to commit the murders and then she strangled each child in the place where they should have felt the safest, at home with their mom."
Prosecutors have also stated that all seemed to be OK on the day of the murders. Clancy reportedly asked her husband to pick up medication for her children as well as dinner. Her phone records show that she had searched online "so she would know how long someone would be gone if they ran that errand," according to Sprague.
Clancy's husband found the bodies of their children as he was speaking to a 911 operator after he returned from his errands and discovered his wife had jumped from their second-story window.
Sprague has also stated, "She had to strangle each of them to unconsciousness and then make sure the bands were squeezing their little necks for several minutes. She could have changed her mind at any point during that time and removed those bands from their necks and she did not."
There is more in the video below.