Lori Vallow’s Oldest Son Colby Takes The Stand In Emotional Testimony Against His Mother

Lori Vallow Daybell’s trial continues. This marks its second week, with several more expected. Vallow Daybell’s only surviving child took the stand in an emotional testimony on Tuesday, April 18, 2023.

Vallow Daybell is accused of murdering Colby Ryan’s siblings, 16-year-old Tylee Ryan and 7-year-old JJ Vallow. She is also accused of conspiring to kill her husband’s former wife. Chad Daybell, Vallow Daybell’s husband, is also accused of the crimes but is being tried separately. The couple’s extreme religious beliefs are believed to be part of their motives in this case.

As part of his testimony, Colby Ryan sat on the stand as the jury listened to a recording of a call between him and his mother when she was in jail. The call took place on August 3, 2020. It was just after the bodies of his siblings had been found on Chad Daybell’s property.

“Can you hear me? Do you want to talk to me?” Vallow Daybell asks.

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Vallow Daybell tells Ryan she does not think he wants to talk to her.

“Probably because you murdered my siblings,” he responds. The mood was clearly tense.

“I have prayed for you in my worst moments. I have prayed for my siblings who you swore to me were OK. I thought I could trust you. I thought that you were a completely different person,” Ryan continues.

Vallow Daybell assures Ryan that he knows her and has his entire life.

“I don’t know a murderous mother,” he responds. Ryan seems to be a man who is very conflicted.

Vallow Daybell assures Ryan that his siblings “love me and they are fine and they know the truth and we are the only people that do.” Ryan tells her that Jesus will judge her. She says Ryan and the world can judge her if they want.

“My own mom, my siblings, my whole family, my dad — everyone is gone except my mom and you’re in jail because of it. Why are you following Chad down the rabbit hole?” Ryan asks. “Why would you follow anyone who is not good? … You can’t lie to me anymore. You can’t hide anymore. I pray every day. No matter how mad I am at you, no matter how bad I want to hit your husband in the face with a shovel, I pray for you, I pray for him.”

Vallow Daybell was originally arrested in May 2021. She was treated in a mental hospital for nine months before being labeled fit for trial. Lori Vallow Daybell and Chad Daybell believe they are important religious figures who are preparing the worthy for the end times.