Man Stranded For 50 Hours At Airport Proposes To Girlfriend Via Text Message

It's that time of year again, when weather delays our flights, and our travel plans are constantly being altered and pushed back in some way.

But for a man stuck at the Chicago O'Hare International Airport, it was more than just his flight time that was pushed back.

Danny Roderique was stranded at the airport for an astounding total of 50 hours, and he was anxious to get home to his girlfriend. But it wasn't just the delay that was making him antsy: it was the diamond engagement ring he had in his pocket and that he was waiting to propose with!

While we think that he could have gotten some tips from the guy who was patient while waiting for the ring he purchased to come back down to Earth from space, Danny couldn't wait any longer. He sent his girlfriend, Heather, a simple text.

"Marry me."

He added, "Took me hours to pick this ring out none of them were good enough for you."

His girlfriend was very excited about the text-message proposal, responding, “OMG!!!!!! You serious?!?!? Baby YES!!!!! I’m balling my eyes out right now. OMG!”

The newly engaged couple exchanged "I love you's" after Heather accepted Danny's proposal.

We're sure that this isn't exactly how either of them imagined their engagement would take place, but as long as they're happy and together!

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