If you know someone who is heavily into video games, then you know one truth: Release days are everything. Plenty of people plan their whole weeks/weekends around when their favorite video game is coming out, and that's cool. Video games are a hobby like anything else, and it's something that is fun to be passionate about.
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Sometimes, that passion can spill over into real life. When that happens, there are usually fairly intense consequences. One man recently found out just how seriously his wife takes her favorite video game, and he told Reddit that he's really not sure how he's supposed to feel about it.
The man explains that he met his wife through a video game they love to play:
"My wife 'Tali' (34F) and I (26M) are huge fans of the Mass Effect video game series. It is an important part of our lives as we met playing the online version. I have played the series 6 times, and was pretty good when it came out."
While the man really likes the game, it's super, super important to his wife:
"My wife is a bigger fan; she has played it dozens of times (or more?) and still plays the online version almost every day! She loves it, and while not as big of a fan I love it too. We have Mass Effect art in our house; we played Mass Effect music at our wedding; we name all our pets after something from the game."
A new version of the game was released, and his wife wanted to go all out to celebrate:
"EA released a 'Legendary' remastered edition of the game last Friday. To say my wife was excited about this is an understatement. We bought a new gaming laptop to play it. She made very clear to me that she would be playing it first. It was sort of implied that we would not be making any other plans last weekend. I was fine with all this."
An unexpected event threw a wrench in their plans.
They were going to stay in and play the game, but then his sister ended up giving birth unexpectedly:
"My sister 'Miranda' just gave birth to our first nephew. 'Garus' is my first nibling, and my parents’ first grandchild. He was born a few weeks early; everything was fine and Miranda and Garus are doing great! Although vaccinated, we decided not to visit them in the hospital. Well they got out, and Miranda invited us and my parents over to meet Garus on Friday evening."
He told his wife that they'd been invited to meet the baby, but she wasn't into it:
"When I told this to Tali she got white and said 'Have fun, I will be playing Legendary edition.' I told her that it would only take an hour or 2. She was already upset that she couldn’t take the day off work and wanted to play it immediately after. While my parents and Miranda and Tali don’t always get along, I told her that they would expect her to be there. She said 'fine' and we headed to Miranda’s after work."
Unfortunately, his wife was really upset about missing out on playing her game and kind of made a scene the whole time:
"Meeting Garus was amazing, but Tali sulked the whole time. She didn’t talk to Miranda or my parents, and spent the whole time on her phone. She barely looked at Garus. It was awkward, but I got how upset she was so I was not going to say anything about it."
And then when they got back, she didn't end up playing the game:
"When we got home, she rushed to the laptop to start playing. Well, unfortunately there was some issue with the controller and she couldn’t get the game started. She cried and screamed and spent several hours trying to fix it. She was able to use a keyboard and mouse, but said this wasn’t the same. She said if she had more time and calm she could have fixed it, and she blamed me for 'ruining one of the most important nights of my life.'"
On top of that, when he woke up the next day … she was gone:
"I thought that would be it, but when I woke up she was not in the house (nor was the gaming laptop). She left a note saying that she was going to stay with her parents for a while, and that she needed to think about whether she could be with someone who doesn’t support what is important to her. I haven’t talked to her since. I can’t believe this; I knew the game was important to her but didn’t think a slight delay was a huge deal. Now I might have lost the love of my life."
People are .... not into it.
Right off the bat, plenty of people agree: It's not fair for her to expect him to support what matters to her but to not support what matters to him. The man really wanted to visit his nephew, and his wife minimized that because she wanted to play a new version of a video game she's played tons of times already.
Also, the game would have still been there.
A second person made a great point: The game would be there no matter what.
"A game doesn't run away. I get the excitement of starting something you love but it can wait. Playing on day 2 or 3 or even day 300 after release shouldn't ruin the fun with it. And something not working as you planned shouldn't make one that mad."
Other gamers agree she was out of line.
For a lot of people, it's clear that the man's nephew should be the priority. One commenter said:
"From a fellow gamer NTA. The birth of your nephew is far more important than the release of a video game. The birth of your nephew is a one time thing and you can always play the game later because there are no redos for your nephew’s birth."
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.