Woman Throws Curveball At Man Who Challenges Her Baseball Knowledge With One Perfect Text

This incredible story comes to us from our friends at AOL.

Proving yourself as a female sports fan in this world is truly a daunting task.

It seems no matter how many stats they can rattle off, no matter how many possessions they've sold to buy season tickets and no matter what team's colors they literally bleed, women are still forced by men to validate themselves every time they boldly declare that they love sports.

28-year-old New York resident and baseball aficionado Megan Brown says she deals with this issue all the time, despite the fact that she's written about the sport for years.

After putting up with this blatant sexism for quite some time, Brown finally snapped on one particularly rude gentleman suitor whom she met online.

Twitter / Megan Brown

"This guy was someone I met off of a dating app," Brown told Uproxx. "We had started texting and he asked me that question. It seemed pretty condescending plus it was something SO basic it was kind of insulting."

And condescending he was, indeed.

"You say you like baseball. I've never met a girl who likes baseball," began the unnamed man who presumably has never been in public before.

Then he asked her to prove her MLB knowledge — which, unfortunately for him, she happens to have in goddamn SPADES.


Since being shared, the tweet has amassed over 6,000 retweets and 13,000 favorites by people around the Twitter-sphere, all presumably mouthing "yaaaaaas queen" in unison.

In true hero of the game fashion, Brown is being extremely humble about her brilliant response, saying "I love baseball and I love puns, so at the very least I knew I would make myself laugh."

And for those of you still wondering, "He STILL hasn't responded."