Missing Teen Is Rescued Thanks To ‘I Need Help’ Hand Signal She Learned From TikTok

In November 2021, a 16-year-old from Asheville, North Carolina, was located two days after being reported missing by her parents, but her story could end up saving many other lives.

A motorist called police on November 4, 2021 after seeing a teenager in a car in Kentucky. The teen was using signals to indicate that she was in a dangerous situation — signals she had learned on TikTok.

The motorist had a sense that something was wrong, so they called 911 to report the vehicle.

"The complainant was behind the vehicle and noticed a female passenger in the vehicle making hand gestures that are known on the social media platform 'Tik Tok' to represent violence at home — I need help — domestic violence," said a statement made by the Laurel County Sheriff's Office in Kentucky.

The hand signal is a simple one. Those who are in distress should put their open hand out, tuck in their thumb, and then fold their fingers over to cover the thumb. This signal was reportedly made popular during the start of quarantine as an important signal to learn and spread for those stuck in homes with abusers.

The person who initially spotted the teen reportedly waited behind at a safe distance to learn the outcome of what happened. The man who had abducted the teen reportedly took her from North Carolina to Ohio, where he had family members. According to CNN, his family was also alarmed when they realized she was a missing minor.

"We don't know how long coming down the interstate from Ohio that she had been doing this to other motorists hoping that they would notice that she was in distress, but finally someone did recognize," Laurel County Sheriff's Deputy Gilbert Acciardo said. It's good that she didn't give up — and it's a good reminder for motorists to always be on the lookout if something seems unsettling.

The man who was arrested for the alleged kidnapping was 61-year-old James Herbert Brick. The Laurel County Sheriff's Office gave information on the full investigation on Facebook. All it took was one person to see the signaling to save a life — and possibly many others.

"The female juvenile told Sheriff's investigators that she had gotten with the male subject and traveled through North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky and into Ohio where the accused had relatives," the office said. "When the male subject's relatives realized that the female in his custody was under age and reported missing, the accused left Ohio traveling southbound and the female juvenile then began attempting to get motorists attention to call 911. During the investigation deputies also located a phone in the accused possession that allegedly portrayed a juvenile female in a sexual manner."

"James Herbert Brick was charged with unlawful imprisonment – first-degree; possession of matter sex performance by a minor over the age of 12 but under age 18 – first offense," it continued. "This individual was lodged in the Laurel County correctional center. Photo of accused attached is courtesy of the Laurel County correctional center."

While it was a terrible situation — and the worst fear for any parent — it's even more upsetting to think about what could have happened if this individual held onto this missing teen for even longer. It's also a good reminder that safety signals should be something everyone is familiar with.

It also proves that TikTok can do more than people may expect. It's a great site for funny viral videos, but it can also be used to spread information. It's always important to brush up on safety measures and know the best way to try to survive a scary situation like this. The 16-year-old did everything she could, and it paid off.