Moms of newborns are understandably stressed out. A lot of new babies have inconsistent sleep patterns, which means their caretakers often do, too. One mom shared on Reddit in a since-deleted post that she is going through a particularly trying time, as her baby has colic and is difficult to get to sleep.
Things came to a head recently when an aggressive salesman woke up the woman's sleeping baby … and she turned around and had him fired.
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There's a lot of interest in homes in the mom's area.
"I live in an unincorporated are that’s about to be merged with a major city," she wrote. "We bought our house for 350K 2 years ago and since there the entire area has been rezoned, there’s a city center being built, multiple neighborhoods are popping up and the entire are is becoming pretty densely populated. Because of that the value of all the houses on my street has gone up significantly."
People aren't supposed to solicit homeowners, but they do anyway.
"Unsurprisingly this has lead to several companies buying up houses as investments, and I receive flyers almost daily from different companies offering to buy my house for cash. Our neighborhood has clearly posted 'no soliciting' signs that get ignored by pretty much everyone, but one guy working for a particularly aggressive company started ringing my doorbell weekly asking us if we’d consider selling the house."
One guy has consistently been going for her home.
"I’ve told him no multiple times, as he’s offering us only 20K over what we paid for the house and I’m very well aware of how much our house will be worth in a few years. I’ve asked him to stop coming but he keeps ringing the bell, sometimes multiple times because he knows I’m home with a newborn. I asked him to stop, I even got a little hostile once telling him off for taking advantage of people that don’t know any better and offering them less than the true value of their property."
Things between the two recently exploded.
"He continued to come and last week he rang my doorbell multiple times and when I ignored him he started knocking on my window yelling through the glass that he had another offer. He eventually left and left a letter saying they’ve upped their offer by 7K. In doing all of this he woke my baby, who has colic and is a nightmare to put down."
She complained to her HOA and the man ended up getting fired.
"So, in a fit of rage I sent my HOA an email with a picture of all the flyers and a full account of the harassment that’s been happening. I know people hate HOAs but mine does not [expletive] around. They immediately contacted the company he works for and threatened legal action for harassment and trespass, and sent letters to all the residents warning them this company is being aggressive about low ball cash offers that are a bad investment and under market value."
Then she filed a police report.
"Yesterday I had a note on my car cussing me out for getting him fired when he’s 'only trying to make his way in the world.' I did file a police report. The company he worked for basically washed their hands of him and say he was an 'independent contractor' so I’m guessing he’s 100% commission based or had aggressive quotas to meet. We also have cameras he hasn’t been back since."
Some people were on her side right away.
As one person put it, the real issue isn't waking up her sleeping child: "You didn't report him and get him fired for waking your baby. You reported his constant relentless harassment of you and him intimidating you in your home."
Some wondered if the guy ever had to speak to the woman's partner.
One person asked: "Purely out of curiosity, did he ever deal face to face with your husband? I'm just curious if he simply doesn't respect 'no' or if it was only your 'no' he feels entitled to challenge even after losing his job over it."
The woman replied: "He actually didn’t! He only ever came by when I was home alone. If that was on purpose it wouldn’t have been hard to see his car was missing. My husband did get letters addressed to him though."
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.