Mom Of Teen Who Died On Titanic Submersible Was Supposed To Go But Gave Seat To Her Son

Previous reports said that teenager Suleman Dawood, who died in the Titan sub, was "terrified" but went on the trip to make his dad happy. Now, his mom, Christine Dawood, has opened up about losing her son and her husband, and what she had to say about it contradicts the original report from Suleman's aunt.

Christine said her husband, Shahzada Dawood, "was so excited to go down, he was like a little child," and Suleman was also excited.

The mom told BBC that she had originally planned to go on the trip with her husband, but after it was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she gave her space to her son.

"I was really happy for them because both of them, they really wanted to do that for a very long time," she said.

Christine also said that her son was excited to take his Rubik's Cube with him.

"He said, 'I'm going to solve the Rubik's Cube 3,700 meters below sea at the Titanic,'" she told BBC, also noting that her son carried his Rubik's Cube everywhere and could solve it in 12 seconds.

He had applied to the Guinness World Records and his dad planned on getting the moment on camera.

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Christine said her husband was an extremely curious person, and her son was interested in science fiction, travel, and Rubik's Cubes.

"I miss them," she said. "I really, really miss them."