Now that summer is officially here, it's time to plan your fun family activities in the warm weather!
Amusement parks aren't for everyone, but for those who do love them, they're the go-to summertime activity. However, there are some things that you should never do at an amusement park.
There's something for everyone at most amusement parks, from kiddie rides for the little ones, to upside-down-loop-de-loop coasters for the thrill-seekers. A long day at the park can leave everyone gleefully exhausted and full of joyful memories.
If you're thinking of taking your family on an adventure this year, you're going to need to do a little bit of research. Luckily, the important things you need to know are right here.
1. Tug On The Characters

The suits are soft on the outside, yes, but on the inside? Their frames are made of metal and hard plastic, and if you push and tug on them hard or suddenly enough, the poor employees inside can get poked or knocked around.
Their jobs are tough enough already under the summer sun, so cut them a break.
2. Forget Where You Parked

This could really turn into a nightmare. If you don't remember where you parked, you and your family could be stuck out in the heat for a very long time.
Do yourself a favor and write down the number, letter, or marker that the park has provided in your section so you don't have to rely on memory.
3. Arrive In The Middle Of The Day

The best time to get there is before the park even opens, as reported by ABC News. Not by much, though — just about 15 minutes.
This way, you'll beat the crowds, and within the first hour, you'll be able to take advantage of a few rides without the long, winding lines.
4. Forget The Sunscreen

Just because you aren't on the beach, intentionally soaking up the sun, doesn't mean that the sun's dangerous rays aren't still reaching you.
WebMD recommends SPF 30 be reapplied multiple times throughout the day, especially if you're sweating or getting wet.
5. Buy Your Tickets At The Gate

There are two main reasons to buy your tickets ahead of time. First of all, you'll waste precious time in the ticket lines. Second, you'll waste money!
Buying tickets at the gate ensures that you're paying the highest possible price. Instead, check on the park's official website and look for deals or days that admission is cheaper ahead of time.
Theme Park Insider also suggests going through authorized resellers such as KGS Tickets, aRes Travel, Recreation Connection, and Undercover Tourist. Do not go through individual sellers, as fake tickets are everywhere.
6. Cheat On The Height Restrictions

The safety restrictions in parks are all there for their own reasons. The height minimum for bigger rides may make your kids or grandkids upset. Even if they are so close, do not be tempted to trick the system if they aren't quite tall enough.
Not only do theme park employees recognize all of the tricks, like platforms and lifts in shoes, spiked hair, or standing on tippy toes, it just isn't safe! SaferParks.org notes that children underneath the height requirement run a higher risk of being ejected or thrown from a ride.
Also remember to follow any other safety instructions listed!
7. Show Up On A Saturday

Coaster Critic says that Saturdays are the absolute worst, most-packed days to go to a theme park. Avoid them at all costs.
Instead, opt for weekdays, specifically Mondays, or even Sundays if you can't swing an extra day off. You'll be able to experience more of the park and have a better time altogether.
8. Be Too Proud To Ask For Help

If you are lost or need advice on which area of the park would be best for your family, you're wasting your time and your money by wandering about, getting frustrated, and not asking for help.
Any employee will be happy to point you in the right direction and show you exactly where to go on a map.
9. Skip The Single-Rider Option

You should have a pretty good idea of what you want to get out of the day before you get there, and you should definitely take advantage of the single-rider lines. They can cut down your wait time astronomically, and if you don't mind sitting separately, why not try?
You can also ask employees what is the best time to ride which ride, since they know best.
10. Argue With Your Loved Ones

Amusement parks are supposed to be fun! It's not a time to be stubborn or argumentative about the plans you have. Try your best to go with the flow, accept the speed bumps on the way, and have a good time!
You'll be much happier at the end of the day if you don't cause a fuss in the middle of it.
Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook who love to go to amusement parks in the summertime!