2-Year-Old Toddler Continues To Beat The Odds And Doctors’ Expectations

Tales of human survival fill our myths, legends, and bedtime stories, all about brave men and women who beat the odds through their brainpower and willpower. However, miracles don't only happen to strong adults. Sometimes, the strongest survivors have only recently entered this world.

Meet baby Jude Peters. He just recently turned 2 years old, and he's already beating the odds after he was only given two weeks to live after he was born. That's because little Jude was born with a rare condition that not only causes severe dwarfism, but also chronic breathing issues. In fact, the condition is so severe, newborns aren't even expected to cry when they're born.

However, right from that first moment, Jude was strong. He let out a big cry when he was born, and at 6 pounds, he weighed double what the doctors expected. The breathing and size issues were still there, but his family has sought out the best care out there for his condition at a hospital in Delaware.

After proving so many doctors wrong, he's become known as "SuperJude," and he's been an inspiration to so many families around the world. Happy Birthday, Jude, and we wish you not just another two strong years, but a lifetime of bravery and triumph!

Make sure to follow Jude's continuing story on Facebook.

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