Night Shift Nurses: 9 Things You Never Knew About Their Grueling Job

Nurses do a job that most of us could never do. The hours they put in, the ridiculous things they put up with, and the lives that they save are just a few of the things that make them so incredible.

All nurses deserve our unending respect, each and every one of them. Certainly no nurse ever deserves to be talked down to because they aren't a doctor. They chose to become nurses to nurture their patients and to know that they are giving people vital comfort and care.

Nurses that work the night shift, though? These folks need an even bigger round of applause. They disrupt their natural sleep schedules in order to keep their patients comfortable at nighttime, and to make sure that nothing catastrophic happens during these all-important hours.

Many of us don't even think twice about this schedule shift, but there are many things that make it even more grueling than we could imagine.

These nine things will definitely give you more respect for your friends and family who are nighttime nurses.

Did we miss anything from our list? Let us know in the comments and please SHARE with family and friends on Facebook to show your love for all nurses!

1. Their Patients Are Rarely Asleep At Night

Flickr / Tony Webster

All night nurses will tell you that their call lights go on constantly at night. It might seem like the night shift would be calm, but it is just as busy as the day shift. Patients don't stop being sick just because it's nighttime.

2. They Don't Have The Cafeteria To Turn To

Flickr / stu_spivack

Most hospitals close their cafeterias at night, so if a night shift nurse forgets their dinner, they're stuck with vending machine snacks or the leftover sandwiches from the day before.

3. They Get All The “Leftover” Work

YouTube / Dr. J

The day shift nurses work extra hard, too, but sometimes they forget what it's like to work the night shift. They might leave some of the “less desirable” tasks because the nurses at night will surely have time, since everyone will be asleep. Well… refer to #1.

4. Their Inner Clock Never Gets Normal

Flickr / normalityrelief

No matter how long a nurse has worked the night shift, he or she will never adjust to the vampire schedule. The body just doesn't get used to being awake all night and asleep when the sun is up. They may fall asleep at very strange times, like at your dinner party.

5. Their Patients Can Turn Sour

Flickr / jk-digital

Being in the hospital is tough on everyone. When you're not sleeping in your own bed and you're sick or injured, you might turn into a bit of a pain in the behind. The night shift nurses often claim to get the worst of the rudeness, with tired patients at the end of their ropes.

6. They Are Fast Asleep At Noon

Flickr / Alexander Johmann

Noon is their midnight, and they need to sleep! Call them closer to your dinnertime, because that's probably about when they'll be waking up.

7. They Know To Leave Specific Doctors Alone

Flickr / Hades2k

When a night shift nurse needs to call a doctor, they always know which ones not to wake up in the middle of the night. Even the ones who are less crabby and more polite are still groggy and tired, and it always feels weird waking them up at home.

8. They Hate The Sound Of The Ice Cream Truck

Flickr / Lance Fisher

Midday noise like lawnmowers, ice cream trucks, and car horns don't bother people who are awake. But for night shift workers? They're the worst.

9. They Can Have More Flexibility With Their Personal Lives

Flickr / Christopher Connell

If a night shift nurse is diligent about getting enough sleep, eating right, and exercising, they can use the daytime hours that they're awake to spend time with family, take classes, or pursue other passions. This takes a lot of discipline, but it can be incredibly rewarding on top of their already very noble profession.

Did you know any of this about night shift nurses? Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook!