The kind of music we listen to, our personal style, and our favorite foods say a lot about who we are. Yet, to discover who we truly are, you don’t need any kind of outside stimuli. All you have to do is take the time to notice certain things about yourself.
Take the way you sleep or the specific colors that you are psychologically drawn to. Your predilections are powerful indicators of your true self.
Another interesting insight can be discovered in the palm of your hand. Open it and take a look at the lines. Four of those lines unveil secrets about our strengths, flaws, experiences, and where we are headed in life.
The art of palm reading is called palmistry and has been practiced for centuries in Asia, Persia, Ancient Israel, and Babylonia. Palm reading was taken very seriously by many significant minds that have sculpted the course of our history like Alexander the Great and Aristotle, who once stated: "Lines are not written into the human hand without reason. They emanate from heavenly influences and man's own individuality.” Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physician and one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine, even used palmistry to aid his clinical procedures. Mark Twain, Grover Cleveland, and Thomas Edison also favored palm reading and would travel to London, England to have their palms read by the famous reader Cheiro, who studied under gurus in India.
Yet, if you’re interested in learning how to read your palm, there’s no need buy a ticket for a transatlantic flight. All you have to do is learn a few important basics and open up your hand…
Look at both your palms. If the lines are different on both palms, it means you have worked hard to change your basic nature. Now focus on your dominant hand or the one you write with.
Focus on the more dominant hand and locate you heart, head, life, and fate line. Keep in mind that the horizontal lines need to be read from the thumb side across and verticals ones from the wrist up.
Now focus on just your heart line.
If the line…
- Extends from the side of your hand and ends below the index finger: You’re content with your love life.
- Extends from the side of your hand and ends below the middle finger: You’re selfish when it comes to love.
- Extends from the side of your hand and ends in-between your middle and ring finger: You fall in love easily.
- Is straight and short: You are not that interested in romance.
- Is close to your fingers: You are a passionate and sometimes jealous person.
- Goes all the way across: You bottle up your emotions.
- Touches your life line: Your heart gets broken easily.
- Curves up towards the index finger: You are outwardly affectionate.
- Straight and parallel to your head line: You have a good handle on your emotions.
- Is wavy: You have had many relationships and lovers but an absence of serious relationships
- Has gaps: You have experienced heartbreak.
- Has little short lines that cross over the heart line: You have a wandering eye and have a hard time staying faithful.
Take a gander at the horizontal line just under the heart line, this is your head line.
If the line…
- Is short: You prefer physical achievements over mental ones.
- Is straight and extends across the hand: You’re a very logical, no-nonsense thinker.
- Is wavy or zigzagged: You have a short attention span and your mind tends to wander.
- Curves downwards, towards the wrist: You are creative and trusting.
- Is separated from your life line: You crave adventure and are enthusiast about life.
- Has circles on it: You’ve experienced an emotional crisis.
- Has multiple crosses: Indicates momentous decisions.
Of course, these are two of the lines. To see what the other two signify, keep reading on the NEXT page!
Now look at your life line, the vertical line closest to your thumb. Keep in mind that this line actually says nothing about how long you will actually live you life.
If the line…
- Is strong and deep: You have a lust for life and you strive to reach your full potential.
- Is shallow and faint: You tend to be less ambitious.
- Is curved: You are strong.
- Is straight: You are cautious when you enter a new relationship.
- Is broken: You have experienced a sudden change in lifestyle.
- Has circles: You have been hospitalized or injured.
- Isn’t alone and you have multiple life lines: You are a very lively person.
Finally, check out your fate line, the vertical line that goes straight up the middle of your palm.
If the line…
- Is pronounced and straight: Indicates that you have a focused career.
- Is faint: You are dissatisfied with your job.
- Has little forks and branches growing from it: You have had many starts and stops in your career path.
- It starts then splits off from your life line: You are a self-made individual that developed aspirations young.
- Joins with the life line in the middle: You had or will have a point in which you will sacrifice your interests for the sake of others.
- Starts at base of thumb and then crosses life line: You have the support of family and friends.
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