Two Men Leave Homeless Pizza Hut Waitress $558 Tip, Then Her Boss Hears About It And Speaks Up

Over the course of our lives, we can go through many difficult times. For Krystal Kramer, a Pennsylvania Pizza Hut waitress, living day to day was getting quite difficult.

She had been living in a hotel with her roommate for a month after her home was flooded, and funds were quickly running out. Some nights,  she didn't know if she was going to eat.

She was working at one of the restaurants when she struck up a light-hearted conversation with two male customers while a colleague attended to them. She told them her story, and to her great surprise, they offered her their leftovers, a couple of slices of pizza.

She gladly accepted, relieved that she had a meal for that night.

That wasn't the end of her good luck: after the customers left, Krystal's colleague walked up to her and told her that part of the tip she received was meant for her.

On the $41 bill, the customers left a $558 tip for Krystal, though she had not been the one to serve them. The waitress couldn't contain herself and nearly collapsed!

The restaurant's owner heard about what happened and had no idea that his employee's situation was so bad. He pulled $400 from a fund for his employees and gave it to her.

Altogether, the money was enough for Krystal to put a deposit on a new home and to pay the first month's rent!

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Photo source: Twitter / Valley Morning Star