9 Things You Probably Never Knew About Reese Witherspoon

Since her introduction to the screen with 1991's The Man in the Moon, Reese Witherspoon has been a household name whom people adore.

Thanks to roles like Elle Woods in Legally Blonde and Melanie Smooter in Sweet Home Alabama, Reese has proven that she is a versatile actress who can take on any part. But her talents and interests extend far beyond the camera.

Today, Reese Witherspoon is an actress but also a mother, wife, business owner, and more. With so much on her plate, it's amazing that she has any free time at all to indulge in her favorite activities!

With her Southern charm and down-to-earth personality, it's hard not to love Reese Witherspoon — and the nine facts below are guaranteed to make you love her even more!

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Thumbnail Photo: Wikimedia / Mingle MediaTV

1. Her Real Name Isn't Reese

Wikimedia / Reese Witherspoon

We may know her as Reese Witherspoon, but Reese's actual name is Laura!

Reese Witherspoon was born Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon, but the actress decided to be called Reese, her mother's maiden name.

2. She Owns A Production Company

YouTube / Entertainment Access

In 2000, Reese founded the production company Type A films, and in 2012, she merged it with Bruna Papandrea's Make Movies banner to create a production company Pacific Standard.

Together, the duo produced such films as Gone Girl, Wild, and Hot Pursuit as well as TV series like Big Little Lies.

Bruna left Pacific Standard in 2016 to start her own venture, but Reese continues to run the production company under Hello Sunshine, a joint venture with Otter Media.

3. She Loves To Read

Instagram / @reesewitherspoon

Reese Witherspoon is a big book nerd! Not only does the actress option the rights to books through her production company and turn them into movies, but fans have also come to rely on her Instagram book picks when they need a new recommendation.

To check out her latest favorite books, you can scroll through #RWBookClub on Instagram or check out Reese's Instagram page.

4. She Championed The #AskHerMore Movement

Flickr / Jenn Deering Davis

Reese was one of the first celebrities to advocate for the #AskHerMore movement, which aims to "call out sexist reporting and suggest ways to re-focus on women's achievements."

"I don't want to discount the beautiful work that the fashion houses do, but somehow, just focusing on what you're wearing feels reductive," Reese told Glamour. "These actresses are there because they made us laugh and made us cry and touched our hearts."

5. She Was A Wrestling Cheerleader

YouTube / The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

On The Tonight Show, Reese revealed to Jimmy Fallon that she was a wresting cheerleader in high school.

"Do they have wrestling cheerleaders?" Jimmy asked Reese.

"Well, in the South, you have a cheerleader for basically everything," Reese joked.

6. She's Used A Hypnotist On Set To Calm Her Nerves

YouTube / Movieclips Trailers

When Reese graced the cover of Vogue back in 2014, she revealed that she'd enlisted the help of a hypnotist to help calm her down before filming the sex scenes in Wild. The actress also got help from Wild author Cheryl Strayed when she didn't know how to accurately portray shooting heroin.

"I wanted it to be truthful, I wanted it to be raw, I wanted it to be real," Reese told Vogue.

7. She Was Considered For The Role Of Cher In Clueless

YouTube / YouTube Movies

Before casting was finalized, several actresses tried out for the role of Cher Horowitz in Clueless, including Reese.

Though Reese met with Clueless director Amy Heckerling to discuss playing Cher Horowitz, Amy always knew deep down that Alicia Silverstone would play the iconic role.

“I met with Reese because everyone said, 'This girl’s amazing. She’s going to be huge,'” Amy recalled in her novel. “I saw some movie where she had a southern accent. Maybe it was on TV, a movie of the week. But I did see some scenes of hers and went: Wow. She’s amazing. But Alicia is Cher."

8. Her Favorite Holiday Is Easter

Instagram / @reesewitherspoon

In an interview with Vogue, Reese revealed that her favorite holiday is Easter.

Every year, the actress enjoys hunting for Easter eggs with her family. She even launched a special line of festive Easter frocks through her lifestyle brand, Draper James.

9. She Met Her Husband While His Friend Was Hitting On Her

Instagram / @reesewitherspoon

“This really drunk guy was hitting on me, making such an idiot of himself, yelling at me. He was like [slurring, scowling, pointing finger in her face], ‘You don’t know me.’ And I was like, ‘Yeah, I know. I don’t know you!'" Reese told Elle.

"Jim came over and said, ‘Please excuse my friend. He’s just broken up with someone.’ And I remember thinking, 'His friend is such an ass. What a jerk. And that Jim was a really good friend, pulling him out of that situation.'”

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