These Charming Vintage Photos Show Us The Lighter Side Of Life

Sometimes the world seems glum. This feeling happens to everyone sometimes, but don't worry  It always passes.

Often, it just takes seeing the humor in the world to snap you out of your funk. If you look carefully, there's something funny happening just about everywhere.

French photographer René Maltête (1930-2000) knew this well. He spent his career capturing everyday scenes but with a twist. His photos show classic mid-century scenes of those days gone by. We don't know who the people in the photos are, but, like the mystery woman on the beach, they embody the feeling of the times along with a truly timeless sense of humor.

Take a look at the photos below, and see how a perfectly timed photo can bring a smile to faces around the world for years to come.

(h/T: Ufunk, Wikipedia)

Maltête's photos capture everyday scenes, but their charm is the subtle humor found in each one.

René Maltête

Part of their charm is also the way he was able to capture them.

René Maltête

Talk about being in the right places at the right times!

René Maltête

The sign reads, "The majority is you," which of course makes this picture much more amusing.

René Maltête

These perfect, subtly funny images make the world seem like a funnier, more absurd place.

René Maltête

Maltête could find humor in the most mundane places.

René Maltête

Some of them do have a slightly darker undertone, but they still manage to stay amusing — and relatable.

René Maltête

Sometimes they seem to tell a story about their subject.

René Maltête

Sometimes they explore a human emotion or experience.

René Maltête

And sometimes they're just funny!

René Maltête

Maltête started experimenting with photography at the age of 16.

René Maltête

In 1951, he started working in photography professionally, but often had to support himself through odd jobs and menial work.

René Maltête

He published his first book of photographs in 1960.

René Maltête

Other people slowly began recognizing the humor and wit of his photos, and his work appeared in various magazines, including Life and Punch.

René Maltête

In addition to photography, Maltête also wrote poetry and humor pieces.

René Maltête

He was also passionate about the environment.

René Maltête

And it's not just the funny side of life that Maltête captured; his photos have an endearing sweetness.

René Maltête

Looking at them today, you can see how timeless they really are.

René Maltête

You can see many more of Maltête's photos on his website, run by his son, Robin. You can also purchase a book of his photos on Amazon.

If you know anyone who loves photography with some vintage flair and a healthy dose of humor, introduce them to René Maltête by SHARING this article!