When you're deployed in the military, it's against the rules to take in any stray dogs or cats that you find. But after eight years of service, Staff Sergeant Jesse Knott decided to help out a stray cat by keeping him in his office away from the terrors of war. Koshka was more than just a cat to Jesse — he was a reminder of life back home in Oregon, away from all the terrible things happening around him. One terrible day, Jesse lost two of his dearest friends in the war. The tragedy left him without hope for himself or the situation around him. He felt like giving up…until Koshka crawled into his lap and reminded him there was so much more to live for.
Koshka wouldn't be the first cat to develop an amazing connection with a member of our armed forces — this kitty was overcome with joy when her dad came home from overseas! But Koshka and Jesse's bond is extra special because of their unique situation. We often hear that the animals that we rescue end up rescuing us, and it's hard to think of a better example than these two survivors of war. Best of all, both Koshka and Jesse got to go back to Oregon. It cost over $3,000 to get the kitty from Afghanistan to Jesse's home, but just like this military dog who finally got the heart operation he deserved, the monetary cost was nothing in comparison to the value of such an amazing companion.
Life for both Jesse and Koshka is looking up now, and there's no doubt that these two will always share an incredible connection. They were brought together because of terrible times, but no one can deny that their meeting was a blessing for both of them. It's amazing how one simple act of kindness can start a beautiful chain reaction.
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