Man Plans Romantic DIY Date On Tight Budget, And Proves You Don’t Need Money For A Perfect Night

Dating can be really fun — going out to nice bars and restaurants with a person you enjoy spending time with — but it can also be difficult, especially if you're strapped for cash.

Unfortunately, most dates require money, even if you're just doing something casual, like going to the movies or grabbing coffee.

It's easy to get down on yourself if you don't have the money to pay for a nice date, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't still have amazing date nights. You might just have to get a little more creative.

If you ask most couples, some of their favorite times together are the small moments — like lying on the couch together under a blanket, or tossing a ball around outside, or maybe even just going for a walk and chatting.

One man, Demez White, posted an insanely viral photo of his date night, which proved to the world that you don't need money for romance.

[H/T: ScaryMommy]

Facebook / Demez White

On March 14, 2016, Demez White posted the above photo on his Facebook page. It immediately went viral.

To date, it has over 1.5 million reactions and over 844,000 shares.

Facebook / Demez White

Demez wrote:

My girlfriend told me that she’d had a bad day and needed cheering up.

My bank account told me that going out wasn't an option.

Facebook / Demez White

Sitting on my back porch I realized that I had everything I needed right in front of me.

Sometimes the best memories aren't about the money we spend or the trips we take.

Facebook / Demez White

They’re about putting a genuine smile on someone’s face that you really care about.

Money isn't as tight anymore and we don't argue as much but I wouldn't trade those spring days for anything.

Never stop dating, never stop impressing!

Facebook / Demez White

How amazing is Demez's message?

Everyone who saw his post absolutely agreed with Demez.

One woman wrote, "Sometimes just the basics are the best."

Facebook / Demez White

Another woman commented, "The little things are what matters and are the ones that make the best memories."

A lot of the 186,794 comments are people tagging their partners, saying they'd love to have a date night like this one.

Facebook / Demez White

And honestly, who wouldn't love a dinner like this?

Surrounded by torches and candles, eating a delicious meal with your loved one is a lovely evening. Then staring at the stars from the cozy truck bed? Perfect.

Facebook / Demez White

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