Even if you're well beyond the age where you have to live with a stranger or minor acquaintance, the stories from the terrible roommates you had in your younger years probably still haunt you.
Of course, not every roommate is terrible, but we've all lived with our fair share of bad apples. Whether you just aren't compatible in a confined college dorm or compatible in general, residing with someone you don't like can really make life difficult.
These 13 stories of horrible living situations take the term "bad roommate" to a whole new level. I thought I had it rough until I read what these folks have gone through.
Have you ever had a terrible roommate, like someone who did way worse things than simply eating your entire new bag of chips?
Let us know your horror stories in the comments and don't forget to SHARE with family and friends on Facebook!
Thumbnail sources: Flickr, Avex Hype
"I had a roommate who absolutely refused to buy toilet paper. After weeks of her stealing ours, the other 3 of us started hiding it so she would be forced to buy her own. Instead, she started taking heaps of napkins from restaurants and stealing rolls of our paper towels." — Demonfizz
"My roommate wanted to chill a warm six pack of Miller Light. He saw a MythBusters movie and thought that he could use a fire extinguisher. He used the wrong type; it was a dry chemical type, not a C02. It was a mess." — 77Columbus
"I had a roommate who would (attempt to) leave unjustified scathing, passive-aggressive notes for just everyone: our apartment neighbors, cars parked outside, and even our landlady. The kind of notes with overly-polite language, underlines, and randomly capitalized words. Always written in red marker. Always rude enough to get the s**t beaten out of her. Always signed from both of us."
"I spent that year following her around and removing the notes as quickly and quietly as possible." — petrilstatusfull
"I had a roommate in college who could only fall asleep if he watched Disney movies at night. I had to listen to them every night for hours trying to sleep." — LoooveCommando
"My old roommate always used the same pan for eggs and never cleaned it. For an entire year this pan was caked with eggs and just sat on the stove (which was also covered in egg splatter). Even if I cleaned it for him, it would be back on the stove the next day." — Quetzel
"I had a clean freak roommate who was crazy. She'd literally freak out and scream and clean up after you while you were cooking. I'd cut vegetables and be putting the first part into a pan, and she'd walk over furious that I'd left the cutting board out and messy for her to clean up. I'm literally still using it! I'll clean up when I'm done using the cutting board! She, however, only ate two things: chicken nuggets and popcorn, which she never cleaned up after." — accentmarkd
"My roommate once asked for the place to herself for a romantic evening with a chef she was dating. He made her a huge seafood dinner. When I came home the next day, there was a huge pile of dishes in the sink. Her reasoning: it was my turn to do dishes." — raemoondoe
"I lived with a guy who drank rum like water and played the trumpet. But that's just the beginning. Although he couldn't play the trumpet, he would play the theme to "The Flintstones" but always got stuck on one note. I wanted to take a shovel to the trumpet right at the moment he would mess it up; put us both out of our misery." — mfwater
"I had a random roommate that showered once a week. Once. A. Week. Thank God he was too lazy to go to class as well and lasted only two semesters." — zirtbow
"I was away on holiday. When I got home I walked in and the carpet was soaked. My roommates were just sitting there watching TV. Turns out the hot water heater exploded and ruined the carpet and flooded my room which was right next to the heater.
"Turns out it exploded 3 days prior to me returning and they just ignored it." — CtrlAltDeleteS
"Stole my old phone and some other electronics to sell on Craigslist for rent money. He gave the landline phone number (mine) for call backs." — Connie_Damico
"He added my mom on Facebook before we moved in." — Somethinghindu
"Ate literally all of my groceries ($60 worth) the day I got them while I was gone. He made a very nice meal for his gf and her friend as well. 'Sorry bro, don't have the cash and didn't want to go to the store.'" — NotAThrowAwayUN
What's your worst roommate story? SHARE with family and friends to see what they've got, too!
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.