Hundreds Of Happy Ducks Help Keep South African Wine Clean And Delicious

How much do most people really know about ducks? They love to swim and eat bread, and they have an adorable quack that doesn't echo. For the most part, we never really see ducks outside of the local pond where we let our kids throw them little pieces of bread (just make sure they don't start chasing them).

However, like every other animal on this beautiful planet of ours, ducks play plenty of roles in our lives. While there might be bigger contributions to the ecosystem, here's how they extend us humans a helping wing!

Who doesn't like a nice glass of wine? Whether to share with friends on a picnic or pair with a delicious meal, wine has always been a big part of every society. But, like anything else made from a plant, wine grapes need to be protected from bacteria. Well, this vineyard in South Africa has enlisted the help of hundreds of Indian Runner ducks to deal with the snails and slugs that often plague grape vines and destroy millions of dollars' worth of otherwise healthy crops. Their twice-daily march provides a fun sight as they mosey on down to the vineyard for slimy snack time.

So the next time your garden has an issue with some sort of pest, maybe put away the harmful pesticides and take a look at what adorable animal could be of help. You'll keep your plants safe and make a new friend in the process!

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