100 Women Don Leotards In London For A Surprise ‘Single Ladies’ Dance

Flash mobs are out there, potentially lurking around every corner. You never know when you'll be caught right in the middle of one, because it seems like everyone and their mother wants to coordinate their own dance and surprise people with it in public spaces.

This is not to say that they aren't awesome almost every single time. These are one of the things in life that make you take a moment from your busy day, step back from all of your problems, and just enjoy the spontaneity that unfurls right in front of your eyes.

When 100 women gathered in Piccadilly Circus in London bright and early at 9 a.m. one morning, when folks were walking to their jobs and getting ready for their day, onlookers were in for a real treat.

They all wore jackets and heels, but not really that much else. Then one group of these women throws their coats onto the ground and steps into the center of the plaza.

One by one, each other group does the exact same thing. What they're wearing underneath is oddly familiar. When the music starts playing, it becomes clear exactly what kind of flash mob this is.

This is an impressive sight to see on such a large scale. Luckily, one of the pedestrians thought to film the elaborate scene so that we could enjoy this, too!

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