If you were unaware until today that anti-squirrel bird feeders existed (for those of us who live in metropolitan cities devoid of backyards), you wouldn’t be alone.
One mischievous squirrel attempting to rob his feathered friends of their seed food got more than he bargained for in the video below. Spinning bird feeders are designed to keep these critters out of the garden and away from feeders, but that didn’t stop the squirrel. In a desperate attempt to reach the food inside, he latched on and was spun round like a rag doll. He walks away from the ordeal with little more than a bruised ego and even, miraculously, poises himself for another go at stealing what isn't his for eating.
Personally, the spinning feeder isn’t my favorite approach to keep squirrels away, but it’s certainly more humane that some of its more archaic contemporaries. And if there’s anything to be gleaned from this unfortunate but hilariously futile attempt at scoring a snack, it’s that squirrels will do very near anything to hack those feeders. Look no further than an acrobatic squirrel we posted about last winter that had some inventive methods for acquiring her birdseeds. Where there’s a will, there’s probably a way.
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