She’s Been Dancing Her Entire Life And At 101, She Has No Plan To Stop!

Meet Sally Salamy. She may be 101 years old, but she's still as delightful as she was when she danced for WWI soldiers.

Her story is almost as unbelievable as her name, which matches her fun-loving personality perfectly. Salamy has been dancing her entire life and the ballroom professional credits her active lifestyle with keeping her so young.

The centenarian is still sharp and always dressed to the nines. Every Tuesday, she goes dancing with her husband, but Salamy says that if she had it her way, she'd be dancing every night. Graceful and charming, she's become a local legend in her hometown of Orlando. She even shows men and women more than half her age a step or two.

I can only hope I'm still dancing at her age. Isn't she fabulous?!

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