Pep rallies at school were always so much fun. For one thing, you got to miss class at the end of the day. The fun performances and events that happened during were an extra cherry on top of that.
The cheerleaders take the floor to do some of their routines, and a dance squad or two will come out to perform a couple of numbers. Maybe if your school has comedy clubs, they'll come out to perform some improv or a sketch that shows some school spirit.
But, sometimes, teachers join in on the fun. Everyone had those teachers who felt like just as much of a friend as an authority figure. These are often the teachers from whom kids learn the most, because they're able to engage their students on a much deeper level than those who simply stand in front of the class and give lectures full of bullet points with no context.
During this pep rally, two teachers wore silly wigs to host the whole thing. Then when it was just about time for it to end, they had a surprise for all of the students.
There were just a few more minutes left, but they were going to squeeze in one more act.
When the performers come out, the whole school already loves it. Then, the two host teachers have one more surprise for them.
This is the kind of thing that really encourages school spirit!
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