Premature Twins Hold Hands When Reunited In The Same Incubator

In June of 2014, Hannah and David were ecstatic to learn they were expecting twins. But at just 26 weeks, doctors told Hannah her babies had moved into position for childbirth. They weighed just two pounds each when they were delivered via emergency C-section.

Lily and Grace were immediately placed on ventilators to help them breathe. The twins were then separated while Lily was treated for an infection. For seven long weeks, Hannah's babies were apart from each other as they battled for survival.

But then, the day finally came: Lily and Grace were reunited and placed into the same incubator. That's when something incredible happened. In a photo that's touched countless people around the world, the twins can be seen reaching out to grasp each other's tiny hands. For Hannah, it was an incredibly emotional sight, as though her girls were reassuring one another that they would make it through. Lily and Grace spent the next two months in the hospital as close as could be.

The twins have since made a complete recovery and are now happy, healthy toddlers. Mom attributes their incredible survival and progress to their deeply-rooted connection. She says, "The fact that they held hands in hospital throughout their battle for survival just gave each other strength. I don’t know if they could have done it without each other."

These days, Lily and Grace are completely inseparable. Hannah says, "They love being together. They are always giggling and smiling at each other. They will be best friends for life."

Follow the miracle twins' journey below, and please SHARE their story with your friends on Facebook!

Hannah and David were elated when they found out they were going to have twins. But their joy suddenly turned to worry when the doctors told Hannah that she needed an emergency C-section at just 26 weeks pregnant.

Mirror / Michael Traill

Lily and Grace weighed two pounds when they were delivered. They were immediately placed on ventilators, then separated while Lily was treated for an infection. For seven long weeks, the twins were apart from each other as they battled for survival.

Mirror / Michael Traill

Finally, Lily and Grace were reunited and placed into the same incubator. In the photo below, you can see their immediate reaction; the twins reached out to grasp each other's tiny hands for the very first time.

2954098C00000578-3167584-Never_let_me_go_Premature_twins_Grace_left_and_Lily_Johnstone_wh-a-19_1437394875793.jpg / Gary Roberts

Hannah couldn't believe her eyes -- it was though they were reassuring one another that they would make it through this.

Mirror / Michael Traill

It's now a year later, and Lily and Grace are both happy, healthy one-year-olds. Mom attributes their incredible survival to their incredible bond.

Mirror / Michael Traill

"The fact that they held hands in hospital throughout their battle for survival just gave each other strength," Hannah says. "I don’t know if they could have done it without each other."

29540B4E00000578-3167584-Happy_families_Grace_and_Lily_pictured_with_mum_and_Hannah_and_d-a-21_1437394910469.jpg / Gary Roberts

Lily and Grace are completely inseparable, and they still hold hands to this day.

Ross McDairmant Photography

Lily and Grace fought to survive. Their combined will — in addition to the wonderful medical team — is the reason they're alive today. If you agree, please SHARE this story with your friends on Facebook!