Seldon Perry Meyers has been through a lot in his life. A Vietnam veteran, Meyers managed to make it through that terrible war only to return home to people who weren't thankful for his service.
Over the years his health began to suffer, eventually he became restricted to a wheelchair, and has since been disabled for at least 20 years. He's gone through several throat surgeries, suffers through seizures, has fallen down the stairs, had a broken back, and has survived a stroke.
Living in the basement for the past eight years, this poor man's story finally made it to the Cleveland chapter's DAV (or "Disabled American Veterans"), a group of veterans and volunteers who do everything they can to help ensure that injured veterans are well taken care of.
Grant Pirckle of DAV calmly stated, "If they have medical necessities that can't be taken care of then we try to jump on that as quickly as possible."
Installing a mobility chair that will help Meyers go up and down the stairs, this amazing group of men are giving the veteran a new lease on life. With more places to walk around, it's thanks to these veterans and volunteers that one of our wounded warriors will be able to safely and freely walk around in his own home.
Please SHARE this incredible story of vets helping vets if you think we should ensure that all of our nation's veterans are well taken care of!