Since 1975, game show Wheel of Fortune has been entertaining viewers, keeping them guessing as to what phrases appear on the board. I know that I've been tuning into the show since I was a kid, and always love catching bits and pieces when I'm watching television.
There have certainly been many memorable moments on the show over the years, such as one man's amazing win with just three letters as clues.
But one contestant's victory could perhaps rival that one. A man named Calvin appeared on the show and managed to solve a three-word puzzle with only three letters.
At first glance, the three words could have been anything. It would take me ages to try to figure this one out, though Calvin did it in a matter of seconds!
He took a giant leap of faith and guessed the phrase "Bees Fleas & Manatees." His surprising move paid off, and he won an astounding $6,600 — which is no small sum. What are the odds that he found the winning combination of letters and words?
See if you can guess the answer to the puzzle in as little time as Calvin, and let us know in the comments if you were successful!
Please SHARE if you love watching Wheel of Fortune and if you have been for many years!