Rosa Ramirez decided to make a big change in her life: She was finally cutting her hair for the first time in 25 years.
Her friends constantly asked her when she was going to change up her look. And the day finally came at the Papillon Blanc Hair and Lounge in Birmingham, MI.
“We love to see different things done on customers — different styles — and we meet very often and I always see her the same way,” the owner of the hair salon, Eda Motchka, told WXYZ-TV Detroit about Ramirez.
Like the couple that hadn’t changed their hair in decades and the teenager who had never cut her hair till college, Ramirez looked very different with her new hairdo. Just look at the results at :57 where she shows off her new bob cut with some side bangs.
Ramirez also made sure the years of growing her hair went to good use. She donated the 4-feet of hair she chopped off to Locks of Love, a nonprofit that makes wigs for children suffering hair loss.
"I think it would make somebody's day who's suffering from a bad disease, it will make their day a little brighter," Ramirez said.
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