After Losing Job Amid Pandemic, Woman Says Landlord Removed Her Front Door Over Late Rent

Hannah McGee, a young mother from Fenton, Missouri, is one of the countless Americans who lost her restaurant job because of the pandemic. The huge financial hit left her struggling to pay her rent.

Hannah has lived in her apartment for the past three years. Her mother has lived in the apartment next door for the past 13 years. Hannah says she has never had any issues with her rent or her landlord … until now.

Struggling to pay the bills and feed her 4-year-old daughter, Hannah found herself two months behind on rent. She owed her landlord $1,000.

Imagine Hannah's surprise when she arrived home one day to find her landlord had literally removed her front door, ripping it from its hinges and leaving her apartment completely exposed to the outside world. Not only is it getting unbearably cold outside, but it's also a safety hazard for her and her young child.

Hannah has had to come up with ways to try to keep her apartment warm by trapping the heat inside. Her daughter is now staying with her grandmother next door, just to stay warm.

“My Christmas tree is right next to my door frame where there’s no door," Christine told WKRN. "I don’t know how we’re going to open presents on Christmas like that,” she added. “At least we have three walls."