Falling in love with a prisoner isn't easy. For one, you're not able to go on dates. Secondly, there's a good chance that if they get out, they could have a hard time readjusting to life on the other side, which could impact the relationship.
But sometimes, it's important to follow your heart. That's what Jade and Chris chose to do. Jade learned about a program where you write letters to prisoners. She signed up, and that's how she fell in love with Chris, who is in jail for burglary and identity theft.
The two even chose to get married at the prison where Chris was currently incarcerated, despite the fact that they couldn't invite guests.
Jade had been sharing details of their relationship on TikTok, but not everyone was a fan. The comments were so bad that at one point Jade had to delete her account. But despite the criticism, she knows her love is worth it.
When she went to look for a prison pen pal, she selected him based on his photo. As their relationship blossomed, they graduated to phone calls. Jade then decided to escalate the relationship by visiting. They got married on October 10, 2018.
One way to battle loneliness, Jade discovered, was to make a big cardboard cutout of Chris. In it, he's wearing a Hawaiian shirt — something she's never actually gotten to see in public, as he's only been allowed to wear his prison jumpsuits when they meet.
Watch the video to see other ways that Jade keeps the love alive.