A woman named Rachel recently went to the doctor with a bizarre and troubling issue — concerning a "tracking device" she says was implanted in her skin.
Rachel, who is featured in an episode of Dr. Phil, claims that in 2014, the man who she says sexually abused her as a child showed up at her house and told her to follow his instructions.
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From that day on, Rachel says she was forced into a life of sex trafficking and has been under the watchful eye of her abuser and other men who have control over her to the point she must leave her house and husband in the middle of the night to meet with them.
Though she has faced skepticism over her claims, Rachel says she ended up finding — and literally cutting out — a small metallic object from her leg. She insisted it was a tracking device.
In the clip below, Rachel visits a doctor to have something else removed from her arm after having found a small encapsulated lump under the surface.
Watch the clip below to see why the doctor says it's definitely not normal skin tissue.