There are tens of millions of stray dogs wandering the urban streets of India. Homeless and unwanted, they're considered a "menace" to society. Indian street dogs face incredible challenges — from finding food and shelter, to being chased off or beaten.
However, there does exist a handful of organizations committed to the rescue and rehabilitation of the countless stray dog population of India. Animal Aid, Unlimited provides the internet with amazing rescue videos that feature dogs in dire need of help and safety, and this latest one blew my mind.
A street dog was stuck between the narrow bars of an iron gate for hours before someone heard his cries and called their helpline. The dog was helpless, frightened, and suffering from a bad case of mange — so it was a huge relief to see him off the streets, in the van, and in the arms of his heroes. What a sweetheart! All he needed was some love.
Please show these wonderful saviors some love, and please SHARE this rescue with your friends on Facebook!