Stories like this one fill my heart with such joy and happiness, oh my goodness! Meet Walter the Miniature Pinscher, a very special little puppy that was born with multiple deformities due to inbreeding. His irresponsible owners kept him locked in a cage for nearly a year with barely any food or adequate care. The severe neglect worsened his condition, causing his muscles to atrophy, as you can see in this video.
Eventually, the owners got tired of Walter and dropped him off at an animal shelter. It was a blessing in disguise, because there he was rescued by Gabi and Joanna, who gave Walter his real chance at a happy life. At first, the pup was very weak, emaciated, and could barely walk. Now, at 11 months old, Walter is happy and healthy, and he's able to appreciate the little things in life — playing in the grass, laying on comfy pillows and, you know, being showered with gifts and toys from people all over the world who heard his story and decided to send him endless amounts of goodies!!
What a happy ending to something that began so tragically! Please SHARE, and help spread the word that adoption is a very powerful thing!