Planning To Introduce Your Dog To Your Baby? Let Your Dog Smell Your Baby’s Blanket First

When you get pregnant for the first time, sometimes you realize that that baby is not really your first baby.

Your first baby might just be a furry one: a dog!

Although you may not think of it right away, it is important to make sure that your furry baby is prepared and behaved for the arrival of your new biological baby.

Making schedule and lifestyle changes early is a great start.

Obviously you want to ensure that your puppy will be well acclimated to your newborn when he or she comes into the home.

If you start introducing your pup to new things right away, then the new foreign experiences that are about to happen won’t frighten him, especially when things start to occur spontaneously throughout your baby’s first months at home.

In order to make sure that all of this runs smoothly, scroll through below for seven incredible tips to ensure that your baby and your fur baby are a new duo that cannot be beat.

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Tip #1: Teach (Or Reteach) Your Dog The Basics

Tayra Lucero for LittleThings

Make sure you teach/reteach the basics. Your pup needs to know that if you say "Sit" and "Stay" while your baby is crawling near one of his toys, that he will obey and not run to munch on his favorite bone with the baby’s hands nearby.

If they’re obedient, you won’t be worried about spur-of-the-moment situations where the unexpected can happen.

Tip #2: Set Clear Boundaries

Tayra Lucero for LittleThings

Reinforce, or make new boundaries clear. Boundaries are important for any dog, especially when there are kids involved.

If you want the baby’s room to be off limits, make it off limits months before the baby actually comes home.

If you don’t want your dog on the furniture anymore, start making that change clear, and be consistent.

Tip #3: Introduce Your Dog To The Baby’s Blanket

Tayra Lucero for LittleThings

Before you bring your baby home, bring home his/her blankets for your dog to smell.

Do this with your partner keeping your dog leashed and at a distance so that he will understand that this “scent” is yours, and needs to be respected.

Tip #4: Take Your Pup For A Long Walk

Tayra Lucero for LittleThings

Before introducing your baby to your pup, take him for a walk to drain his energy, and yours. No nerves are needed here!

If he’s tired, he will be much less likely to jump or move too quickly and knock into you or your baby.

Tip #5: Stay Calm

Tayra Lucero for LittleThings

When you introduce them finally, everyone needs to be calm. Babies, and animals can sense emotions and reactions.

If you are worried, you will cause tension or anxiety between the two and you don’t want that. Let him sniff only at a distance and on a leash again.

Gradually, he can gain more trust and become closer with the baby, but only over time.

Tip #6: Don’t Force It

Tayra Lucero for LittleThings

Never try to force your pup and your baby to interact, since this will cause hostility and confusion between the two.

If he does interact nicely with your new addition to the family, you can reward him with love, attention, or a treat.

Tip #7: Teach Your Child To Respect The Dog’s Boundaries

Tayra Lucero for LittleThings

Lastly, remember to teach your child to respect your dog and his boundaries, too, once they’re old enough to understand.

And finally, enjoy your new family. You have nine long months to make this dog ready for a baby, so take advantage of it all and enjoy every minute!

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