Which Horse Do You Like The Most? The One You Pick Tells Your Fortune. Mine Is Spot On!

I love to spend hours taking online quizzes. Some tell me my personality, some test my knowledge of certain subjects, another popular type of quiz that has been circulating on the internet lately is the fortune telling quiz.

These quizzes tell you to either pick your favorite shade of color or pick the door that most appeals to you and, supposedly, the option you choose reveals lots of valuable information about your personality and how you make decisions. Thus they can help predict your future.

Now, I was a little dubious when I kept seeing this horse-related quiz below, but so many people kept sharing it and saying how accurate it was that I just had to see for myself. Just like the others, my results were eerily accurate.

Like humans, horses are social, dynamic creatures with strong bonds. Horses have served as human companions for centuries and much like people, they have vastly varied personalities. These eight photos were specifically chosen to lure in eight different personality types.

So let us know in the comments if your results are accurate, too!

And please SHARE your results with a friend so you can compare.

Which photo of a horse do you enjoy the most? Try to go with your gut and then keep reading on the next page to find your answers.

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings.com



Choosing the bucking bronco in the middle of such a lush, gorgeous landscape means that you are seeking peace, calm, and comfort, but you see an obstacle ahead of you.

You're someone who knows what you want, but you know it's not going to be easy to get there. Now is the perfect time to face your obstacle head-on. Why wait?

Your obstacle may seem intimidating, or even impossible, but the longer you wait to confront it, the further you'll be from getting what you want. You don't actually know how tough the fight will be until you're doing it. After all, looks can be deceiving. You may as well act now!

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Thinkstock/sodapix sodapix

By choosing this horse, it's probable that you are drawn to beauty and aesthetics. You like things to look good — including yourself.

People probably seek your opinion on a variety of subjects, but especially in matters of taste. You enjoy the finer things in life, but has it ever occurred to you that maybe you intimidate people?

You have strong opinions on how things should be, and there's nothing wrong with that, but people might be scared that you're a little too judgmental.

You are going to lose out on a powerful alliance with another person if you don't make a concentrated effort to let people know that you aren't judging them. After all, opposites attract. Maybe someone doesn't have the same passion for aesthetics that you do, but they may possess many gifts and strengths that you are lacking.

Please SHARE if your results are accurate. Don't see your horse? Keep reading on the NEXT page!



You have picked the dressage horse, which suggests that you are drawn to the finer things in life. You like order, elegance, and neatness, and you value manners and propriety.

These are great attributes to have, as people most likely see you as a figure who deserves respect, but be careful that you don't get too "uptight."

Go ahead and try breaking a rule today. Don't do anything to hurt anyone or anything illegal, of course, but see how good it feels to "loosen the reigns" and to expand your horizons. It will not only make you feel good, but it'll open a door that has been closed for a long time.

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Thinkstock/Victoria Makarova

You have picked the wild stallion running free. You are probably craving the opportunity to run free and wild and let the wind blow through your hair. Perhaps you have been feeling a little locked in lately (either by a job, a person, or finances) and you want to be free.

A quick vacation or getaway will help temporarily, but running can just get exhausting. Rather than run away from the thing dragging you down, summon the strength that you know is within you to confront the problem head on. You can only run so far before you'll need a rest anyway.

Rather than avoiding your burdens, try to fix them now. That way you won't feel like you have to get away.

If you run from your problem, it's just going to follow.

Please SHARE if your results are accurate! Don't see your horse? Keep reading on the NEXT page!



You are naturally nurturing, comforting, and people look to you as a care-giver. Your naturally empathetic personality makes you someone that others readily and easily trust.

By choosing the photo of the foal, you are making a subconscious decision to embrace something that needs help and comfort. It's likely that someone you know is heavily depending on you right now, whether it's a friend, a relative, a partner, or even a student.

Being a caretaker is where you shine and feel most comfortable, but please make sure that you are also taking care of yourself. You may have a tendency to sacrifice your own needs for the needs of those who need help. You've got to put on your own oxygen mask before helping other people with theirs and if you don't draw that line, you both will soon suffer.

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You have picked a photo of a horse ambling off into the sunset. The sunset symbolizes something coming to an end, so it's likely that you are at a point in your life where you're also craving something to end.

Something in life has been burdening you — just like a work horse — and you're feeling a strong desire to let go of those stresses and to spend the next stage of your life peacefully relaxing.

Fortunately, everything must come to an end, and this difficult phase will also soon pass, but it's going to take your conscious effort to end it. Don't just give up. You're going to have to take some initiative and choose to end it.

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You are naturally drawn to the whimsical, fun, and unusual sides of our world. You prefer to embrace humor and positivity, and are constantly craving the opportunity to smile.

This is a great quality to have, and it means that people like to be around you, but be careful not to miss the details — like the holes within the hat.

Optimism and humor are great, unless they're clouding your sense of reality and attention to detail. Continue moving forth in positivity, but keep in mind that you must also assess every situation from both sides. If you have any big decisions coming up, make sure you take your time to choose. Your zest for joy may make you act too eagerly and backfire.

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By choosing the photo of the horse that is locked in his stable, you are showing that you're currently craving control of a wild situation.

Do you feel like something in your life is out of control right now? Maybe you have a rebellious kid, overwhelming debt, or an irrational boss. Whatever it may be, you're wanting to box it up, and make it fit into your standards.

Unfortunately, this method can only work so far. You can lock up the problem or hide it, but that won't change the problem. For example, a wild horse locked in a stable will only grow progressively wilder and more frustrated. Instead of closing the gates on the problem, address them head on.

If it involves another person, don't force them to fit your needs — work with them to find a mutually beneficial arrangement.

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