This talented trio of sisters has a special gift that always gets the crowd yelling for more. Performing a beautiful rendition of the popular hymn "Blest Be the Tie that Binds," these musical siblings put a uniquely entertaining spin on the song that is definitely worth listening to.
Just like the two sweet boys in this adorable video, listening to these hymns will send you down nostalgia lane; maybe you remember singing this song when you were a child!
Originally written by John Fawcett in 1782, this hymn gained even more popularity when it was sung in the popular play "Our Town." Fawcett penned the song because he was about to move to a new town for a new clergy job that was going to give him much more money than his current job. At the last second, though, he decided to stay, and went on to write this beautiful hymn to commemorate that brave choice.
Though the sisters in this video put a new spin on the hymn, they stay true to the heart of the words. Kim Ruppe, Heather Ruppe, and Valerie Ruppe Medkiff were raised in a loving Christian home, and it's clear they wish to spread that love through their talented singing abilities.
Please SHARE these amazing sisters with all of your friends and family!