When you get a little down time, maybe you like to idly search the internet. Lots of people do it, browsing through sites to look for interesting things. Some people like to check their favorite blogs, but others simply like to search for something they like and soak it all in.
What's one of the most common things people search for? Cute animals, of course!
But let's face it, looking at pictures of adorable, fluffy kitties and puppies is great, but it's not exactly a worthwhile use of your time. It's kind of just idle and pointless. It's certainly not something you should be doing at work.
Right? Well, maybe not.
A study in Japan showed that looking at pictures of cute animals of all kinds can actually increase productivity and focus in the workplace, and that people who looked at them more frequently had lower levels of stress and anxiety, and had improved moods.
Stress is a major source of health issues both physical and psychological, and can really make your life miserable at any age. Knowing how to manage and reduce stress in your life is one of the best things you can do for your health, and baby animals are here to help with that.
Humans are naturally drawn to cute things that look like babies, typically things with large eyes and heads. It's called the "baby schema" and it inspires a sense of wanting to nurture the cute critter and keep it safe. And it's not just human babies that inspire this, but animal babies too.
Don't believe it? Check out some of the ways looking at photos of cute animals can improve your health. We've even included some cute animals, so you can see for yourself if you're in a better mood after reading this!
Benefit #1: Improves Mood
It's hard not to smile when you see an image of an adorable puppy or kitten, and that very act can turn a bad time into a good one, or at least a better one.
And being in a good mood is good for you. It reduces stress, heart rate, and blood pressure, and makes you feel better overall.
Benefit #2: Reduces Stress
Stress deals major damage to your physical and mental health.
High blood pressure, muscle strain, headaches, and indigestion are some physical manifestations, and the emotional ones can strain relationships and happiness.
So when you're having a rough day, cute animals being their cute selves are the solution. They'll put you back in a relaxed and calm state, and soothe your body and your mind.
Benefit #3: Lowers Heart Rate And Blood Pressure
The relaxed feeling you get looking at a tiny fluffball isn't just in your head, but in your body too.
Looking at cute animal photos makes your heart rate and blood pressure relax, which is why it feels so nice to look up fat and fuzzy baby seals.
Benefit #4: Increases Productivity
We have the idea that taking breaks, especially while working, is "slacking off."
However, research shows that regular break time is needed to prevent that burned-out feeling, and actually helps us work better.
So if you're going to take breaks, you might as well do it with something that's also going to boost your focus and attention to detail, right?
Overall, the study showed that the people who viewed cute animals had improved productivity overall.
Benefit #5: Increases Compassion
Seeing something cute kicks off an instinctive reaction to be caring and nurturing.
It's what ensures that we take care of babies and help them grow and socialize.
When we see something cute, we're filled with the desire to help and be compassionate.
That can even translate to non-baby things too. If you look at images of adorable baby goats, you might find yourself inspired to help a friend with a chore or a coworker with a task.
Benefit #6: Enhances Attention To Detail
Looking at an image of something cute usually involves looking at it for a long time.
In doing so, we become aware of details like tiny boopable noses and wiggly whiskers.
But it also gets us in the habit of studying things closely.
In the Japanese study, participants took more time to observe things closely and carefully, and ended up doing a better job than participants who had looked at photos of other things.
Benefit #7: Makes Us More Careful
Seeing something tiny and precious makes us more aware of both tininess and preciousness.
In connection to an increased sense of awareness to detail and an urge to nurture, seeing a cute animal makes us want to be careful and delicate, and to keep it safe.
The theory is that seeing cuteness kickstarts the caregiving instinct. It's evolution's way of making us careful with babies.
Cuteness Benefit #8: Improves Efficiency
While the study showed that people who viewed cute animal photos took more care in their tasks, they also managed, after several rounds of cuteness, to actually increase their speed.
Researchers believe that the increased speed and attention to detail came from the overall reaction of attentiveness.
Cuteness Benefit #9: Enhances Focus
When you see something cute, you just want to keep looking at it!
But it seems that looking at some tiny kitties helps us carry that focus into other tasks, even ones not involving anything cute.
Cuteness Benefit #10: Improves Outlook On Life
Being relaxed, wanting to do good, and being more efficient can feel wonderful — and that's why looking at pictures of baby animals makes us feel such joy.
They remind us that, even on our worst days, there's still good in the world — and in us.
These good feelings can be carried with us throughout the day, and help make tedious or annoying tasks more bearable — and even enjoyable!
Here's An Extra Puppy, Because We Love You!
You can never have too many, right?
So after seeing all the cute babies we included, do you feel a little better? Will you be more productive? Or do you need a few more puppies and kitties first?
SHARE this fascinating reason to seek out baby animal photos with everyone you know, and spread some cuteness!