Bride Sends ‘Ground Rules’ For Vegas Bachelorette Party To Keep Bridesmaids Out Of Trouble

Bachelorette parties don't always involve copious amounts of alcohol and debauchery. But regardless, they're a time to let loose with your favorite people. The key words there are "let loose."

That's why people are flipping out over this bossy friend, who attempted to make everyone at a bachelorette party follow a set of "rules" regarding church, alcohol, and sex.

First, let's set the scene. An anonymous woman posted a series of screenshots of an email from a friend about an upcoming Las Vegas bachelorette party. The subject line: "Vegas Rules."

"I have some ground rules that I’d like everyone to follow," the woman wrote. "These will not only help me remain aligned with the Church, but also keep us all out of trouble."

The rules include fun items like: must attend church on Sunday, no hard liquor in the hotel room, and no "random men." The screenshots have been making the rounds on Twitter, where people are mocking the heck out of it.


A bride planned a bachelorette party in Las Vegas with 17 of her besties. Given that the words "bachelorette party" and "Las Vegas" are involved in this scenario, you can probably imagine what her plans were.

But before the bachelorette party, the entire bridal party received an unexpected email from one of the women, which… well, you just need to read it for yourself.

An anonymous woman posted screenshots of the email with the explanation:

“Girl doesn’t get invited to a bachelorette party bc she’s a downer. She threw a giant fit until the bride finally [invited] her, the next day the bride and all 17 other females invited to the bachelorette party received this email. Sender is NOT the bride.”

The email read:

“Hi All,

I'm really excited for our upcoming trip to Vegas. I think it'll be such a good time and we'll all finally get to bond.

I know Vegas is known as 'sin city,' but despite this, I still have to uphold the moral code our Father inscribed in my heart. Due to this, I have some ground rules that I'd like everyone to follow. These will not only help me remain aligned with the Church, but also keep us all out of trouble."


The first rule is that all the women will attend Sunday service at an "appropriate church" of her choice.

“Sunday, the 12th, I have found an appropriate church and contacted the Pastor there explaining that we’re from out of town, but we’d still like to attend services. Sunday @ 7:15 am, we’ll be Ubering to the church. I can’t wait to share God with all of you. I think it’ll be a nice way to cleanse us of our sins from that week.”

The second rule: no hard liquor.

“I don’t want people getting inebriated and falling from the balcony. Also, as this is my first time being ‘of age’ and in an environment with prevalent drinking, I don’t want to be tempted by these foul drinks. I’m not sure how I’ll react to ‘rum’ or ‘tequila’ or ‘vodka’ and I’d like to test these in more controlled environments. Please stick to light beers and red wines.”

I have so many questions — why did she put rum, tequila, and vodka in quotation marks like they're not real? Why only light beers and red wines, as if these are less alcoholic than other beers and wines?!

Rule No. 3:

“There will be no sex taking place in our hotel rooms/anywhere in the suite. As none of us have committed ourselves to husbands yet, there’s no need to have premarital sex.”

And No. 4:

“Please don’t invite random men back to the suite. I do not see a need for them to be there or know where we are staying. I don’t want to be robbed!”


Rule No. 5: She wants everyone to pay her $50 each for groceries for the hotel room so that nobody is "famished in that desert heat." Umm, OK.

And the last rule: "no drugs."

“Half of you currently work in positions that require you to have security clearances and I do not want you to be tempted by these substances. Drugs bring nothing but problems. [Redacted], please leave your adderall at home. I understand you have a medical condition, but as we will not be studying, there’s no need for you to take your methamphetamines.”

Whew. I’m officially speechless.

Someone shared screenshots of this unbelievable email to a Facebook group about weddings. Then it made its way to Imgur and Twitter, where it went viral. People slammed the bossy friend.

Many people were in disbelief that this woman wrote such a condescending list of rules… after begging to be invited to the party!

Also, people could not get over the unnecessary use of quotes around the various types of hard liquor. What was that about?!

In general, people just can't relate to this woman's idea of a "bachelorette party." I mean, different people enjoy different things, but what does she want to do in Las Vegas exactly? Eat groceries at the hotel?

"I'm going to a bachelorette in NOLA in June and will be writing almost the exact opposite email," one Twitter user joked.

Also, we NEED updates after the bachelorette party and the wedding! Bossy friend aside, this is an 18-person event in Las Vegas for six days. It sounds like a lot.

We did get a brief update about the bossy friend's reaction to going viral, and it is golden. Short story: She hasn't learned her lesson at all.

Gotta love the internet.