Any sports player, young and old, will tell you that optimal form is needed in order to perform on the court or field. This often means that being injured, even in a minor way, is out of the question.
Being injured in a major way can be a career-ending mishap for professionals. Young athletes may recover, but their playing form may never be the same.
For young baseball player Seth Apel and his loved ones, the fear was never being able to play again after an accident totally severed his arm.
EMT Joseph Schmader responded to the 911 call, and managed to save the limb by wrapping in a bag of frozen peas. Surgeons were able to reattach it to the young boy, but how useful it would be still remained a mystery.
Yet, Seth's recovery has taken a near-miraculous turn for the best. Though he still does not have full use of it, he has taken his first steps back on the playing field. He has learned to adapt by using his left hand to catch and throw, but he's looking forward to the day he'll be able to get back on the pitcher's mound.
This boy's determination is absolutely inspiring – and thanks to dedicated doctors and first responders, he may just regain full use and feeling in his arm again.
Please SHARE to encourage Seth to keep up the good work, and to thank all the people who have helped him along the way!