Summer's right around the corner, and you know what that means…
Time to break out that itsy-bitsy, teenie-weenie, yellow polka dot bikini!
Now, I'm an advocate for wearing whatever you feel comfortable in at all times of the year. If that means you want to work hard to be super-fit for summer, be my guest. But if you'd rather embrace your body the way it is, flaunt that, too!
When you throw your next summertime pool party with all your best girlfriends, I have the perfect cake to serve. Because what's a party without a cake? Who cares if it's swimsuit season? In my book, dessert season is never over!
Liz Larson starts off with a regular rectangular sheet cake, but after she cuts out a few simple shapes, pipes on a few layers of frosting, and adds some really beautiful details? This cake is so cute! It also might be one of the funnest cakes I've seen in quite a while.
The best part is that it's fairly simple to make, too! You don't need too much expertise to pull this one off, and everyone at your next party is definitely going to love it.
So have your cake, and eat it, too, no matter what time of the year it is!
Do you think you'll give this one a try for your next summer get-together?
Please SHARE with your friends on Facebook!