We've all had that moment when we're suddenly overcome with a terrible, stinky smell — you can't tell where it's coming from at first, until you suddenly realize the smell is you.
We all get smelly and gross; it's just a fact of life that our bodies emit odors.
After first coming to terms with our body odor during puberty, most of us find ways to keep ourselves from smelling icky.
We bathe regularly, wear deodorant, and spritz ourselves with perfumes and body sprays — though sometimes our body stench gets so bad that it makes us wonder if something is seriously wrong.
There can be obvious reasons behind our smelliness — an intense workout or a garlic-heavy meal — but other times we're dumbfounded when we start to stink.
It's especially concerning when we experience changes in body odor. Just remember, though, that there are definitely some explanations for why your body might be smelling differently.
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Is Body Odor Normal?

Everyone gets smelly once in a while — it's totally normal.
It's not unusual to experience severe smelliness sometimes, but we can usually fix the problem with a quick shower or piece of minty gum.
Once in a while, our smells can't be explained by our lifestyles.
In those cases it's worthwhile to consider that there might be something else going on with our bodies.
What Kind Of Body Odor Is Normal?

Certain areas of our bodies are more prone to being sweaty and smelly.
Armpits, feet, and crotches naturally give off more of a scent than other body areas.
If you notice that your other body parts — like arms, legs, chest, etc. — are stinkier than normal, it may be time to pay attention.
Body Odors You Shouldn't Ignore

Sometimes our bodies let off certain odors when they are trying to tell us something.
There are actually specific body odors that are symptomatic of diseases and bodily issues.
If you ever notice any of the following smells, you should monitor your health more closely and consider consulting a doctor.
Body Odor #1: Strong-Smelling Urine

According to Redbook, urine is usually odorless. If it has a scent at all, it is normally very subtle and ammonia-like.
If you go to relieve yourself and notice that you can actually smell your pee, that may be cause for concern.
Usually, smelly pee will be accompanied by a burning sensation or pain, which can be a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI).
Luckily, UTIs are easily treatable. So, if you have pain, burning, or notice that your pee suddenly starts to have an odor, make an appointment with your doctor.
Body Odor #2: Bad Morning Breath

Everyone gets smelly breath on a daily basis. The bacteria that grow in our mouth build up overnight, leading to bad breath.
If you notice bad breath that is so horrendous even you can't stand it, this could be a sign that you're suffering from dry mouth or sleep apnea.
Although dry mouth and sleep apnea are more common causes for bad morning breath, there are also other reasons your breath might stink, including infections, bronchitis, liver or kidney disease, and more.
If you think your morning breath might be something more serious, ask your doctor what could be causing the stink.
Body Odor #3: Stinky Feet

A lot of us have smelly feet, especially after a long day of wearing shoes.
If you notice that your feet are smellier than usual or you realize that they continue to stink even after showering, it could be a sign that you have athlete's foot.
Athlete's foot is a fungal infection that often affects people who spend a lot of time in sweaty sneakers. However, everyone is susceptible to this.
If you have athlete's foot, you might also experience other symptoms, like blisters, redness, and dry skin.
Athlete's foot can usually be solved with an over-the-counter antifungal spray. If that doesn't work, you can ask a doctor for a prescription medication.
Body Odor #4: Extra-Smelly Poop

Let's be honest, poop is smelly. It doesn't matter whose poop it is or what kind of poop it is, it always stinks.
But if your poop or gas smells extremely pungent, it may not be normal. One reason for horribly smelly poop is lactose intolerance.
For some people, lactose intolerance may cause more severe symptoms, like nausea, cramping, and vomiting. For some, it may just cause worse-smelling gas and poop.
If you notice that your bowel movements smell terrible after eating a lot of dairy, bring it up with your doctor.
Body Odor #5: Fruity Breath

This might be the strangest of all, but fruity breath can actually be a symptom of diabetes.
Women's Health explains that when you have diabetes, your body can't correctly create the energy it needs, so it breaks down acids to use instead.
One of these acids can leave a fruity smell on your breath. Although you may not notice it, your doctor might smell it as soon as they see you.
Body Odor #6: Extremely Stinky Sweat

Everyone's sweat stinks. However, smelly sweat in subtle areas like your chest, stomach, and legs might mean there's a chance you have digestive issues.
According to Redbook, a rancid scent is a sign of digestion problems.
Talk with your doctor about changing your diet so your digestive tract can properly process your food.
Body Odor #7: Smelly Discharge "Down There"

Everyone's vagina has a smell, but it usually isn't something pungent or strong.
If you notice that your discharge smells strange, bring it up with your doctor. There are a variety of reasons why you might be smelly down there.
Redbook claims that if your discharge smells sour or musty, it could be bacterial vaginosis.
If it smells fishy, it could be an STI, a yeast infection, or even chlamydia.
If it smells like something died down there, there might be something stuck inside your vagina, like a tampon, condom, or diaphragm.
If you experience any of these odor changes, you should go to your doctor ASAP.
Body Odor #8: Smellier Sweat All Over

The Huffington Post reports that super-smelly sweat all over your body is often a symptom of stress.
You may notice that your stress sweat is stinkier than your workout sweat.
This is because stress sweat and workout sweat are produced from different sweat glands.
Stress sweat is less watery, which is why it has more odor. Workout stress, on the other hand, is mostly made of electrolytes and water, which is less smelly.
If you notice you sweat a lot when you're stressed, try to find some relaxation time for yourself.
How Can I Get Rid Of Body Odor?

If you're experiencing any of the above body odors, you should consider visiting a doctor to see if your smell is symptomatic of something serious.
Many of these smells are temporary and can be treated easily, so don't get discouraged by your funk.
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